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Angelic Skies

I decided to make this modpack out of the frustration that others were giving me when I wanted to play a skyblock and they all said that they were too easy. So here it is! The inspiration came from multiple other modpacks and totally redesigned to fit my friends and I's wants. I literally and figuratively, sat down and asked everyone I knew, that would be playing this, what mods they wanted added to it. And that is how I made my first modpack and how I will keep this one, as an Open-door mod suggestion policy.


Below is a crazy, unorganized description of this modpack!



This modpack is all about making Modded Skyblock 


harder on the player!

 I have added multiple aspects never before seen in a skyblock modpack. Such as thirst, sanity, and more... Also watch out for that weather!

-Wait!?!? WHAT!?!?!




This also has some AWESOME mods in it such as:









THE VOID!!!!!!





Plus there is a custom map, but to make this even harder 


there is NO official guide!

"Unbeatable!"-Some Say.


Try to live with us: