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Re-imagining the world of Minecraft by filling it with diverse, tameable dragons that roam the new and beautiful worlds awaiting to be explored by those who dare to venture into such territories, where magic advances beyond enchanting, This, Is Wyrmroost.

Wyrmroost aims to add several diverse dragons which can be tamed and utilized for players and their needs. Whether it be for combat, farming, transportation, you name it. There's probably a dragon for it.
But beware, taming a dragon isn't an easy feat. You will find befriending such a creature will take hard work and dedication, depending on the dragon and situation.

Commonly Asked Questions

How do I tame this dragon?

Can you update/backport to ____?

Updating takes time. Wyrmroost will continue to try and stay on latest versions of minecraft, however please be patient! We are looking towards the future, so backporting the mod will never happen and your questions to backport will not be answered.

Where's the dimension and what are your plans for it?

The dimension is not in the mod yet and will be very soon hopefully. We want to aim for a dragon's world with our own unique blocks, items, and most importantly, dragons. There is no ETA on when we will see this update, but please stay tuned. Until then, enjoy our content!

Can I use Wyrmroost in my modpack?

Go Nuts!

Can I ask a question?

If You have any further questions you can stop by our Discord! We'll be happy to help.

Issues / Bug Reports

If you found something that doesn't look right, is probably a bug, or is just flat out broken please head over to our Github to report it! Your bugs are most likely to be seen there versus our Discord server.



WolfShotz - (ex) Coder

Realslimshady.jpg - Coder
Chrono - Co-Dev

Kingdomall - Model & Texture artist

Ukan - Model, Texture, and Sound artist

Shannieann - Texture artist


Lagoon (Moderator) - Dragon Fruit Drake textures, code contribution, and most importantly, the Geode hoes.

Novacraft (Contributor) - Rooststalker model and texture. Dragon Fruit Drake model.

Coda (contributor) - Lesser Desertwyrm Item textures. Several contributions.
Aycfes (contributor) - Brazilian translations.
Una (contributor) - resource pack artist.
Raptorlos (contributor) - German translations.