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Timer Bar

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This mod will make you able to add a custom timer bar with a display name of your choice, very useful for server restarts and events.

Mod is serverside, can be installed only in server

/settimer [time (in miutes)] [bar color] [name]
/settimervalue minutes/seconds [current time (in miutes)]/[current time (in seconds)]
/deltimer (just deletes the timer)
for the first command in the name parameter you can put <seconds> and it will be replaced with the seconds left and <minutes> and it will be replaced with the minutes left, if there are less then 60 seconds left also the <minutes> option will show the seconds. <timeind> will be replaced with "minutes" when there are more then 60 seconds left and with "seconds" when there are less.

No need to ask to use this in your modpack

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