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Text Coloriser Plugin avatar

Text Coloriser Plugin

Text Coloriser Plugin


This plugin should only be installed on servers, not on clients. The plugin allows you to use text formatting codes in the chat, on signs and in many more places. It also allows you to set the header and footer of the server's tablist, with support for variables like the server's TPS, playercount and more. You can display item's in the chat with a command to show everyone what cool stuff you have.


With the commands /setheader and /setfooter you can set the header and footer of your tablist. You can use variables from the /format command in here.

With the command /displayitem you can display the item you're currently holding in chat.
With the command /format you get this neat reminder on how you can format your text.

With /toggleformatting and /toggletablist you can enable / disable chat formatting and the tablist.