This mod is based around the Solo Leveling manhwa.
Beta version may contain some bugs, use full release instead!
Main version of mod will be moved to:
- NeoForge 1.20.4
- Forge 1.20.1
This mod requires kleider, PlayerAnimator and geckolib to run!
How to play mod?
In this mod gates will spawn around world.
If dungeon boss is not defeated in 48 minutes after gate spawns, the dungeon break will happen,
that means the monsters from dungeon will escape to the outside world.
You can obtain in game money by mining mana crystals or defeating bosses, you can buy gear with it in menu.
By killing monsters you can level up and divide your points in stats.
To obtain class / job you need to complete quest line and defeat Igris.
Classes / Jobs that you can choose depends on time that it took you to clear 3 final quests:
- First wave of secret dungeon
- Second wave of secret dungeon
- Third wave / Fight with Igris
All jobs are unlocked if you clear it under 3 minutes, longer time, less jobs, above 9 minutes, only one job is unlocked.
Classes in mod:
Necromancer (Can be obtained only by one player)
Fire Mage
Support Mage
Extra classes obtainable later are:
- Monarch Of Beginning
- Monarch Of White Flame
- Monarch Of Frost
- Brawl
- Knight
mod has failed to load correctly?
Propably missing dependency (one of these: PlayerAnimator, Geckolib, Kleider)
Game does not start - it can either be because you are missing geckolib mod or outdated java or forge (it can also be because of other mods)
Unable to join server - if there is writen NBT in error then restarting game does fix it, sometimes player need to restart game multiple times for it to work
Does not deal damage - try using command /updatetick_fix
Mana does not regenerate - try using command /updatetick_fix
- if you are playing on multiplayer then use /effect give @s solo_leveling:update_tick_effect infinite 0 true
some other bugs may be fixxed by using /round_variables false
Lags on servers?
use /set_tps_skip (1-20)
Wanna more items in shop?
/add_item_to_shop (ID) (cost)
ID is not item id, it is position in shop, 1 is first slot, 2 is second etc...
if there is empty space in shop, all items behind it won't be displayed
it adds item that player has in main hand
1.19.2 version is before remake of mod and is not supported at the moment!
Licence addition:
With this mod is not allowed:
- selling mod content on servers that gives you advantage over other players (rerolls, items, game money, xp etc....)
- using mod on servers where it is possible to buy content that givey ou advantage over other players