"A skyblock is a piece of sky that you can bring home."
Skyblocks form clouds in the sky, approximately 2 and a half times higher from the ground than normal clouds. It is also important to note that these light cloud formations are not very frequent and can not be found in dry biomes.
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Technical Information
Skyblocks mod reintroduces, well, skyblocks - blocks are sky. Literally, sky inside your house. When supplied with redstone signal, skyblocks deactivate and change into grey-ish cloudy look.
While skyblocks are tile entities, they do not tick and are very performance & FPS friendly (frame time increases logarithmically with the amount of skyblocks rendered in the world and tick time is not affected at all).
Skyblocks are inspired by Skyblocks from Open Blocks and use its' textures.
- Cloud generation can be disabled using config, and all its' parameters - from height to biome conditions - can be tweaked separately.
Credits & Special thanks:
- Open Blocks for the original skyblock texture (licensed under MIT).
- Natura - currently skyblocks uses cloud generation algorithm by progwml6.