Simple Warp Commands
A lightweight and configurable Minecraft mod adding intuitive teleportation commands.
- /warp <waypoint>
Teleport to a waypoint - /setwarp(/warp+) <name>
Set a waypoint at current location - /delwarp(/warp-) <name>
Remove a waypoint - /warps
Manage waypoints:- rename <waypoint> <new-name>
Rename a way point - move <name>
Update a waypoint's location to your current position. - get <waypoint>
Display detailed info about a waypoint.(coords&dimensions) - list(default behavior)
Show all registered waypoints.
- rename <waypoint> <new-name>
- /home
Teleport to your home location - /sethome(/home!)
Set the home location.- reset
Remove your home location.(Then you will be teleported to your bed location)
- reset
- /back
Return to your last death location or previous position before teleportation (e.g., after using /warp). - /setback(back!)
Manually set a backtrack location.
- /pos
Teleport to the location saved via /pos! - /setpos(pos!)
Save a location for /pos teleportation
- /bye(/kil)
Just kill yourself - /tpp <player>
Teleport to another player.
arguments can be omitted when only 2 players online
With JustEnoughCharacters installed, warp commands(e.g. /warp) will support PinYin autocompletion for waypoint names, allowing Chinese users to type them using phonetic input.
This mod is highly-configurable,disable every commands and restrict teleportation between specific dimensions (e.g. block Nether-to-End jumps)