This mod works with the Fabric Loader for Minecraft 1.14 to latest game version.
This mod translate your minecraft server's logs to the language you have set in the mod's config.
It also adds an API to send translated message to a player in the player's language from server side.
You can learn how to use the API at: https://github.com/arthurbambou/Server-Translations/wiki
You can find a list of available languages at: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Language#Available_languages
Please note that the language in the config is the language code and not the language name.
Important: Some text might have not be translated in the language you choose, I'm not responsible of it.
Don't forget that you can translate minecraft on crowdin here.
This mod has a discord server if you want to ask question about it : https://discord.gg/xTvWwzV.
If you want to see a runtime implementation, you can take a look at the minigames server Nucleoid: https://nucleoid.xyz