If you are anything like me, you love Serene Seasons, but the spell of winter coming and transforming your world gets broken as soon as you start to explore. This mod fixes that! The world will now generate in the correct season as you explore, or when you return to a place you haven't been for a little while. Now your world can be more immersive than ever!
Chunks that have not been loaded for a while will have the snow and ice recalculated based on the current season. The amount of time is configurable.
Planned Features
I still think snow in vanilla Minecraft looks a little patchy. The guys at Optifine have done a great job making grass a little better looking, but I want to expand on that idea and make every block able to be snowed on... That includes tall grass, flowers, stairs, slabs, and even fences! Every non-full block! I just haven't quite worked out the technical details yet.
When I think of seasons, I think of trees losing leaves. Of course, that would look terrible in Minecraft, so I hope to add a branch block that would replace leaves for deciduous trees during the winter, and be replaced by the normal leaves again during spring!
Icicles. Hanging from branches, hanging from eaves, even hanging at the opening to caves.
1.16 update.
1.18 update.
Known Issues
None! (for now)
You can submit any issues you have here.
Requires Serene Seasons.
You may use this mod in a modpack as long as you do not sell it via any means (Exclusive access from donations, etc.), you give credit (Linking back to this page), you do not make any changes to the mod aside from config files, and you follow all of the other terms listed in the license.