This list is up to date with the latest version. Older versions may have additional options that were incorporated into vanilla, or not have some options later versions have.
Table of contents
Allows tweaking the following through a config file:
For each block or blockstate:
- Hardness
- Tool requirement (true - tool is required to get drops, false - tool just breaks the block faster)
- Light level
For each block:
- Blast resistance
- Slipperiness
- Speed factor and jump factor (as used on honey blocks in vanilla)
For each item:
- Set default data components, allowing things such as stack size, armor and tool properties, and many more to be changed
- Change default attribute values
This mod is meant as a failsafe, if a mod doesn't support changing those values in any other fashion. This means that if a mod has a config, use it instead.
Please also note that this mod is not meant to be used standalone. Some features already suggested, such as food values or fuel values, cannot be set by this mod, and I won't implement it. For many features, CraftTweaker is what you want.
This is a Forge mod. I will NOT support Fabric or other mod loaders. I will not backport to older versions, but I will port to newer versions as soon as I find the time.
For support, or for chatting, feel free to join my Discord server!