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Phayriosis Parasite Infection



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Terrifying creatures that will convert others! Multiple block infections that over time will consume more and more of your precious world! Huge creatures that present a mighty challenge to even the strongest of players! A dangerous hivemind that corrupts everything it touches! Mystical parasites that turn invisible and stalk you! And best of all: custom paintings!!! <----- discord server for the mod


This mod is seperated into phases, the phases in this mod aren't like other mods, they are not announced in any way and they only affect a certain area (normally a cube of a couple hundred blocks). Also this description is for the phases of the latest beta.


Phase 1 is global, meaning that it effects the entire world, only sluggles and phayrecters spawn. Other mobs will get converted upon death if the source is a parasite. Sluggles also have a small chance to immediately transform into a coccoon when they spawn, the coccoon will wait 20 minutes before hatching into a moound. Mounds which are normally caused by the death of phayrecters and can hatch into 2 sluggles, evolve into a primordial egg, (which cannot hatch in this phase) evolve into a scent nidus, evolve into a patrol nidus (which can evolve into a siege nidus, but they can't hatch until phase 2) or it will become a deployment nidus.


Phase 2 happens when the corpse of a converted creature evolves into a bulb. a bulb is a harmless enitity, but it allows many other things to happen. Weaker converted mobs now spawn naturally in large groups, primordial eggs can hatch, scent spewers can hatch from scent niduses, patrol and siege niduses can hatch. It also allows infestation networks and infestation worms to spawn.


Phase 3 happens when a flesh nidus hatches into a flesh node, a converted corpse can become a flesh nidus if there is a bulb nearby, and the flesh nidus will wait a while before either failing and turning inot a corpse, or it will evolve into a node. This phase is announced in chat as "Node". When the flesh nidus hatches, it not only spawns a flesh node, but also 2 absorbers, and a few torn. Torn, maulers, and absorbers spawn naturally as well. these mobs are considered "flesh parasites" because of there scarlet hue and the fact that they don't infect their targets, instead their targets become a torn upon death. The flesh node will start infecting the area around it with flesh. Also if an absorber reaches 20 kills (which almost never happens) it will reach critical mass and transform into a flesh amalgamation, a very strong boss that also gets stronger with each kill and has multiple unique abilities.


Phase 4 happens when a flesh node burrows underground and becomes a primordial hivemind. This phase normally takes multiple hours to start and is the beginning of the main infection, this phase is announced in chat. Stronger converted mobs and sometimes primordial advanced parasites will spawn naturally around the area, and primordial eggs can hatch into elite parsites occasionally. The main infection is much faster than the flesh infection and its blocks can mutate into other blocks like sunken mounds and infestation pits. Sunken mounds will wait about 10 minutes before hatching into a plant parasite, these parasites normally reinforce the area around it by spawning many other parasites like converted mobs, phayrecters, and even primordial advanced or elite parasites! Infestation pits are blocks that will wait a few minutes before transfomring into a pit plant and sometimes spawning some parasites above it, depending on the phsae. A hivewarden is a plant parasite that instead of spawning stuff, it attacks any other entity that goes near it, it does melee attacks.


Phase 5 is when the hivemind grows a carapace shell around it. This happens rarely after a hivebeacon spawns, a hivebeacon is a plant parasite that spawns other parasites. In stage 1 it only spawns phayrecters and sometimes a primordial advanced parasite, stage 2 it spawns converted parasites and more primordial advanced ones, stage 3 it only spawns primordial advanced and elite parasites. The parasites that spawn naturally around this area are the same ones that spawn with phase 4.


Phase 6 happens when the hivemind grows a far more durable shell around it, fleshy shell. When the fleshy shell first appears, it immediately mutates into another version of fleshy shell, acidic fleshy shell will become stomach acid once mined, sludgy fleshy shell will give you many debuffs when you try to mine it, reinforced fleshy shell takes a lot longer to mine than the rest, and fleshy shell has a chance not to mutate. The hivemind will only grow this shell around it when a hivebeacon stage 2 has been around for a while. The parasites that spawn naturally around are the same as the ones that spawn with phase 4.


Phase 7 happens when the hivemind hatches into a dreadmind. this phase is also announced in chat. The dreadmind will only spawn if there has been a hivebeacon stage 3 nearby for a long time. The dreadmind speeds up parasite production in about a 1000 block radius, mounds will hatch twice as fast, same with primordial eggs, scent niduses will hatch 5 times faster, hivebeacons will spawn stuff twice as fast, nodes evolve faster, and they have a chance to become a flesh amalgamation, sunken mounds also hatch faster. Any crop (like wheat or carrots) will die and become a dead crop if there is a dreadmind nearby. When the dreadmind spawns, it also spawns 4 buffed hivewardens around it. The dreadmind is extremely difficult to kill, as it can spawn whisperers in waves of 4, whisperers are very powerful and slow elite parasites, if you hit the dreadmind, it has a chance to heal back 10hp and gain resistance 10 for 5 seconds, it has a chance to spawn a few phayrectixes, and it has a chance to give the target a ton of debuffs. Once you finally manage to kill it, it will wait 3 seconds before spawning a dreadful, the dreadful is an ultra unit that is extrememly fast and strong, it resembles a mutant whisperer, and once you kill it, you get an overwhelming feeling of dread... Primordial eggs no longer spawn primordial advanced and elite parsites, instead they spawn a whisperer, a gigantic neutral ultra unit. Primordial advanced parasites spawn naturally now.


Phase 8 happens when a scent engulfer evolves into a scent erupter. They can only do this if a dreadmind is nearby, the scent erupters are extremely powerful, spawning a ton of primordial advanced and elite parasites. They can also spawn waves of phayrectixes, a phayrectix is the morbid evolution of the phayrecter. A phayrecter has a 1 in 50 chance to evolve into this when they kill something. Primordial advanced parasites still spawn naturally.


Phase 9 happens when a wanderer goes stationary and becomes a lingerer. This is the final phase so far. Wanderers will wait about an hour and a half before going stationary and evolving into a lingerer. The lingerer will spawn many primordial advanced parasites and whisperers around it, it also sometimes spawns phayrilesh mites around it which spreads the infection. The lingerer looks similar to an infestation worm, but many times bigger. Primordial eggs will now stop spawning wanderers and start spawning ambassadors. ambassadors are even bigger than wanderers, and they fly and drop phayrilesh bombs which spreads the infection further. Once hit, the ambassador can sometimes spawn bombs from the bomber, or heavy bombs which are much stronger than the regular one. Elite parasites and phayrilesh mites can now spawn naturally, making the entire world infected.


Phases 10+ are not implemented yet, but I have written down what they will be. Remember these phases may change a lot over the next few updates.


Phase 10 will begin once a primordial dreadmind evolves into a morbid dreadmind, This happens after at least 1 hour after a lingerer is born however it may take many hours for the primordial dreadmind to evolve. The morbid dreadmind will start to evolve the infected area around it, the blocks will become stronger, primordial hivebeacons and hivewardens stage 3 will evolve into the morbid version at stage 1. They will spawn many basic morbid units like decayed. Any non parasite entity that spawns within a 4000 block range of the morbid dreadmind will get phayriosis for forever and bleeding for 10 seconds. Phayrectixes and decayed mobs will spawn naturally, with the occasional phayrilesh mite and primordial elite parasite. 


Phase 11 begins once a morbid hivebeacon evolves into stage 2 this will take quite a long time, about 5 or so minecraft days. The morbid hivebeacon stage 1 will only evolve if the conditions of a  nearby hivewarden stage 2 and ambassador are met. This hivebeacon will spawn some morbid advanced parasites, they are stronger versions of the primordial advanced, for example there is a primordial hunter and a morbid hunter. The morbid hivebeacon stage 1 can also rarely evolve into a tainted hivebeacon instead of stage 2, (1 in 5 chance). This hivebeacon will not evolve further, instead it spawns some tainted parasites which will give you many unwanted effects. This hivebeacon will also spawn tainted mites every now and then. Tainted mites taint morbid blocks like morbilesh and morbium, the tainted versions do not spread, but they will grow dangerous plants on them that will hurt and debuff you with tainted effects.


Phase 12 begins when a faithful spawns, these enormous flower like tainted plant parasites will not attack you are spawn anything until it is attacked. They will spawn rarely when a morbid hivebeacon stage 2 attempts to go to stage 3, the faithful will spawn with a 1 in 10 chance, also it will not evolve. Its main purpose is when something kills the morbid dreadmind, when this happens the dreadmind will send out a signal to all faithfuls, the faithfuls will then uproot themselves and turn into avengers, these even bigger ent-looking parasites will kill as many non-parasites as it can, it is similar to the dreadful from the primordial phase, but it is many times stronger and there can be multiple. Scent engulfers from the primordial stage will now evolve into scent armageddons, these behemothic fungus looking plant will spawn hordes of morbid alite and sometimes morbid ultra. Morbid advanced parasites can now spawn naturally with phayrilesh mites.


This is the last of the morbid phases, this one happens when a pylon from the primordial stage evolves into a pantheon, this process will take ages and it will only start when a faithful is present. The pantheon will spawn morbid elite parasites, which unlike morbid advanced, are not stronger versions of the primordial elite. For example: there is a primordial stalker and no morbid stalker. Primordial elite parasites will still evolve into them, but they are very different from what they evolved from. Colossal embryos will spawn from morbid pit plants extremely rarely, these huge eggs will wait a long time before hatching into a morbid planetary eradication unit such as the artillarisk. Morbid elite and morbilesh mites now spawn naturally.


This phase is one of the arrival phases. This phase starts when a morbid dreadmind evolves into an undermind. The true infection now begins, this infection is slower than the morbid and primordial, and it is not very blast resistant, but it will infect almost any block, including obsidian and reinforced deepslate. Being in this infection is very dangerous, hundreds of tall plants block your view from any of the extremely dangerous threats. These threats are the true parasites, much stronger parasites that have many abilities and spawn everywhere once an undermind spawns. Satellites will spawn everywhere, these will increase the numbers of true parasites. Hivebeacons and Hivewardens will despawn once the true infection reaches them. Pantheons will now evolve into nexuses. True parasites will spawn naturally everywhere, and where they spawn, the true infection will start infecting there too. When a vanilla spawns it will be immediately converted into a converted form. If it is not a vanilla mob then it will gain burrowed and bleeding for 30 seconds. When a primordial parasite spawns, it will evolve into a morbid version.


This is the final phase. The undermind will wait a huge amount of time before evolving into its final stage, the evermind. This causes the death rain to begin, an eternal thunderstorm with interesting particles will engulf the entire world. Unbound true parasites will spawn instead of true parasites, unbound true are not upgraded versions of the true, they are completely different parasites that are also much stronger. Nexuses will evolve into Citadels. Titanic parsaites will also spawn every now and then, these parasites are absolutely gigantic, they tower over even the tallest trees, they are all land based, but they are immensly strong. Singularities will also spawn if there is no other singularity of that type in a 1000 block radius. These are the strongest parasites, practically unkillable. They are the Overlord, Paragon, and Cthulu. When an entity spawns, if it is a vanilla mob, they will be converted into their final form, the abominable. If it is not a vanilla mob and not a player, they will gain permanent weakness 2, slowness 2, and burrowed. If a primordial parasite spawns, it will evolve into a morbid version and it will gain many strong effects, and it will despawn after 60 seconds.


Completion, or phase 16 is when all three singularities are present, and it has been at least 30 in game days after they have spawned. This means that the overworld has been completely infected, singularities and titanics stay along with some of the unbound true plant parasites, but the main unbound and true unbound despawn, basically making the world empty, silent, and apocalyptic. The... entities that spawn in this "phase" are the Horrific Things, they are parasitic experiments made by the Overmind itself. They have been designed to be almost perfect, basically unkillable, having abilities and gaining powers that make them almost immortal.

So far there is the Unspeakable Thing; a large primordial stangler looking thing with root like wings that is uses to dash ans sometimes do an attack that deals 1000 damage, two large unbreakable horned shields on its back which it can move to its front to block itself of any damage, two great hands that have wicked claws capable of dealing hundreds of damage, armor that deflects projectiles, and a massive mouth in its center that it uses to sometimes consume entities, making it slow for a few seconds before giving it a massive boost of pure power.

There is the Incomprehensible thing, a large cat-like parasite with many jaws and an eye for a mouth, this parasite will make its targets go insane, with the same power as Cthulu, it is immune to melee and vunerable to projectiles, whenever it is hit by a projectile it turns invisible for a few seconds and gain a very powerful speed boost. when it is below 200hp it will be invisible forever, but it does not have the speed boost.

There will also be the Unfathomable Thing, a flying parasite that is immune to projectiles, I haven't decided or thought much about this one though.

When the Horific Things go below 100 hp (they all have 500 hp total) they will gain perfected adaption, and effect that makes them unstoppable, massive strength, resistance, and speed boosts, their abilities become stronger, for example the massive wing attack the unspeakable thing uses will now deal 2000 damage. They will also give their targets premium system shutdown and heresy, system shutdown stops the mechanical armor from giving you buffs, although this doesn't work with draphemium armor (which I will add in the future) but premium system shutdown does work with draphemium, there is a way to counter this however, you will be able to craft a system backup, which is a device that when in the inventory, it prevents all types of system shutdown. Heresy is similar to system shutdown, but it is for sentient armor, it makes the armor give you negative effects rather than positive.



The Overmind is a parasite much larger than Earth, it is defined as a rocky planet as well as an
organism. The Overmind resembles an enormous eye, it can open its gargantuan mouth which
it uses to eat other much smaller rocky planets that are uninhabited, like Mars. This process can
take months or even years to fully consume the other planets, despite the Overmind being
sometimes hundreds times larger than its meal.

The Overmind floats around in the empty void of space free from any solar system, it seeks out
inhabited planets light years away and it send trillions of meteors at it, more than 90% of these
meteors go off course or fail to land on the surface of the targeted planet. The few meteors that
do land unleash their occupants, sluggles.

Sluggles are small slug-like parasites with a horned back, if they live for long enough they will
evolve into a phayrecter, the most basic parasite. The horns on a sluggle’s back will hurt
anything that tries to attack it. When a phayrecter attacks, it injects tiny sluggle eggs into its
targets. These eggs immediately hatch and infest the body, fortunately every organism on Earth
has a perfect immune system to stop these parasites from fully converting them, and if the
sluggles stay in the body for long enough, the body will be able to fully eradicate the parasites. If
the body dies, the sluggles will have a surge of power because there is nothing to fight them off,
they will then grow rapidly and completely convert the body in about a 20th of a second.

Most organisms like humans and pigs do not have a large enough body for the sluggles to grow
full size, meaning when the converted body dies the sluggles are not strong enough to survive
without a host. Bigger organisms like cows and ravagers have enough space inside them for the
sluggles to grow full size, when the converted host dies, the sluggle (there normally is only room
for one sluggle to grow full size) will be released and try to survive long enough to evolve.

The parasites can convert nearly every mob in the overworld, all converted mobs have
thousands of tiny sluggle eggs on their teeth and claws, meaning everything they attack will be
injected with all of these sluggles. When an organism gets converted, their consciousness is lost
until a dreadmind spawns, the dreadmind will be given all of the souls of the poor converted
mobs and it will keep them, occasionally consuming some. So no, the converted mobs cannot
feel pain or even think for themselves. If a parasite kills roughly fifty organisms they can get
overwhelmed by the amount of souls they carry, and they will then evolve into a much stronger
and more merciless version of themselves, converted mobs become decayed, primordial
advanced become morbid advanced, primordial elite completely change themselves into a
morbid elite instead of evolving into morbid version of themselves.

Most of the parasites can feel pain, but they do not interpret it like any organisms on earth do however. Organisms on Earth interpret pain as danger and it is extremely uncomfortable for them, and can sometimes hinder their movement and thinking skills when enough pain is registered. Meanwhile the parasites get excited when they are hurt, pain is not uncomfortable at all and it is in fact quite enjoyable. They feel this way because this means there is another target that can be converted and killed, the pain gives them adrenaline that helps them kill a target, meaning more progress on the full infection of the planet. Unlike humans, parasites do not seek out pain even though it makes them feel extremely good, they do not have the part of the brain that allows you to get addicted.

When a phayrecter dies it compresses most of its organs and bits into a mound. The mound
cannot harm anything, but it can evolve and hatch, it can mutate into other forms of the mound,
like a deployment mound or a patrol nidus. Some of these mutations require a bulb nearby, a
bulb is a harmless entity that mutates from the corpse of a converted mob, they can also harbor
a few souls. Patrol niduses and siege niduses require some of these souls to hatch and release
a small army of parasites. The mound does not need souls to mutate into a primordial egg, but
the egg itself requires some souls to hatch.

Primordial advanced parasites are very strong parasites with a reddish pinkish hue. All of them
have at least one sluggle inside them, but they are not converted and converted cannot evolve
into them. Primordial advanced parasites can hatch from primordial eggs, or they can be
spawned by hivebeacons or ultra parasites like the dreadmind or lingerer. Their corpses act
similar to the corpses of converted mobs however.

Primordial elite parasites normally have special abilities and are just generally stronger than the
advanced parasites, for example the primordial stalker can turn invisible, the primordial
multiplier can summon armies of stronger phayrecters, and the primordial strangler strangles its
targets, greatly slowing them down. Primordial elite parasites are much rarer than advanced
ones, they can still hatch from a primordial egg, but with a much lower chance, they mostly
spawn from hivebeacons that are stage 3.

A converted corpse can evolve into a flesh nidus if there is a bulb nearby, this nidus will wait a
while before hatching into a flesh node and a small herd of flesh parasites. The flesh node will
very slowly spread a fleshy infection around it, this flesh isn’t from any known parasite or mob
from Earth, it seems to be a compound of different types of parasitic flesh with souls. The flesh
will grow large towering vine-like flesh structures around the node that slows down all
organism’s movement speed.

The flesh node will occasionally spawn torn, torn are ripped up fleshy creatures that don&#39;t have
any sluggle eggs inside them, instead they spread the mysterious flesh infection into their
target, if the target dies from direct contact with a fleshy creature, they become a torn.
Absorbers are large fleshy creatures composed of many mouths and a massive body made
from swollen flesh, whenever they kill something they become stronger.

Flesh nodes will eventually burrow into the ground beneath them forming into a primordial
hivemind, this is the beginning of the main infection. The hivemind will immediately convert all
the flesh blocks around it into phayrilesh, it will then continue infecting everything around it at a
rapid pace. Luckily deepslate is immune to this. This infection will grow small structures and
sunken mounds that will then further evolve into plant parasites, like hivebeacons and
hivewardens, these are there to protect the infection.

The infection will continue spreading forever, even if the hivemind somehow dies. The hivemind
will still try to protect itself, after some time it will form a carapace layer around it, then it will form
a much stronger fleshy shell around it, then after that it will reach its final form, a dreadmind.
The dreadmind’s presence boosts the growing speed of all the parasites, making everything
considerably more powerful.




A few thousand years ago, an ancient civilization arrived on Earth, they had arrived here to
protect it from phayriosis. They built large structures underground, like ancient cities and
massive vaults. They built these in deepslate because they knew that the primordial stage of
phayriosis could not infect deepslate. They tried to make a portal out of the planet in the cities
just in case they failed to protect this planet, but unfortunately the portal’s other side was in an
unknown part of the universe where terrifying sculk creatures lurked, the creatures went through
the portal and started destroying everything on our side, in a hurry the commander of the
ancient civilisation quickly told everyone to shut off the portals.

Those cities were unfortunately overrun by the sculk, so now they had no quick escape option.
The parasites arrived and the civilisation fended them off and completely eradicated them in
many locations, but they were still alive in other spots, the civilisation gathered armies larger
than any on Earth irl, the armies were sent to the most advanced spots, where there were
hiveminds and dreadminds, they spent many months fighting the parasites with no break,
eventually they crafted dravarium, an extremely powerful resource which they used to blow up
dreadminds and craft reactors to kill all of the parasitic blocks. After that it was easy to kill the
rest of the parasites. Unfortunately, in the battle multiple native species of overworld mobs were
made extinct by the relentless parasites, the sniffer was one of them.

After they had successfully killed every single one of the billion of parasites on Earth, most of
them left, the few that stayed behind built more civilisations and structures, like temples, they
also found two more craftable portals that lead to safer dimensions, they built some of these
portals randomly in the overworld. These portals were not tended to properly and they eroded
after some time, leaving behind strongholds and ruined portals. The once great civilisation got
stupider and they split into two different civilisations, the villagers and the illagers. And today
they are merely shells of what they once used to be, with most of their once great structures left
to weather and fall apart

"Jade" "J.E.I." and "Neat" recommended.




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