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Nemo's Woodcutter

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Nemo's Woodcutter


With the Woodcutter you can do everything that a Stonecutter does, just for wood!

Join my Discord

I love to create mods for Minecraft and wish to live off it one day, so I hope you like what I do.
Either way feel free to give me your feedback and suggestions, either on my Discord or the discussions :)

For more information and the recipes check the wiki.

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Adding Woodcutting Recipes to Your Mod (1.21.2+)

Data Generation

Instead of creating an instance of the RecipeGenerator in your RecipeProvider, create an instance of the WoodcutterGenerator. There, you have all the methods you need to create a woodcutting recipe.


Here is an example of the recipe json file:

  "type": "nemos_woodcutter:woodcutting",
  "ingredient": "minecraft:acacia_planks",
  "inputCount": 1,
  "result": {
    "count": 3,
    "id": "minecraft:acacia_sign"


Get a Minecraft Server

Looking for a Minecraft Server? Check out BisectHosting!
Use my code Nemo404 to get a 25% discount on your first month with any of their gaming servers.

By using my code, you'll also be supporting my work as a Minecraft modder, helping me to pursue this passion full-time. Thank you!

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