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Various utilities for modpacks!

ModpackUtils is a highly-customizeable mod for modpack developers to curate their modpacks for their users. The mod is completely open-source, and has a detailed wiki (⚠️Under Construction), for all its features. Need help? Join our Discord server.


Chat Messages


Chat Messages are sent everytime the user joins a world.

  • Chat Welcome: A customizable welcome message is sent every time a user joins a world. Info like Modpack Name and the Version Installed are entered automatically.
  • Update Notifier: Informs users about modpack updates, with a customizable message.
  • Ram Alert: Notifies the user if the RAM allocated is below the minimum required by the modpack.

Toast Notifications


Toast notifications appear once on the Title Screen, just after loading the game.

  • Update Toast: Notifies the user about modpack updates. Info like Modpack Name and the Version Installed are entered automatically.


  • Ram Alert Toast: Shows a toast if the RAM allocated is below the minimum required by the modpack.


Window Utils


  • Custom Icon: Customize the game window icon, like using your modpack logo, by placing the icon files in the config/mutils/icons folder.
  • Custom Title: Set a custom title for the game window. Info like Modpack Name and the Version Installed are entered automatically.

Main Menu Credits Integration

  • Normal: A simple text is shown on the Title Screen.


  • Fancy: Detailed, colorful lines of text are shown on the Title Screen.


  • Custom: Refer to the wiki for info.

Fully Configurable


Discord GitHub Modrinth CurseForge Modpack

RocketNode Server Hosting: Use code <code>CHAMP</code>