In game mini map mode (circular map mode enabled in map GUI options menu)
In game full screen GUI.
Zooming out to see the world.
- In game mini-map for multiplayer and singleplayer.
- Exploration progress is saved as you wander the world.
- Full screen map GUI allows you to zoom out and view everywhere that you have explored.
- Set waypoints by right clicking, pan map by click dragging, and zoom with the mouse wheel in full screen mode.
- Rotating circular mini map mode can be enabled in the options menu.
- Entire map can be written to PNG images.
- Explored chunks are also saved in Anvil format from multiplayer servers, so you can view the world using tools such as Eihort.
- Short range underground mode shows air, water and lava around the player.
For installation instructions, usage instructions, previous versions and more see the main forum post here:
MapWriter on
Source code can be found here:
MapWriter on GitHub