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Requires JEI
Requires fabric API for fabric versions

Mod adding various decorations and crystals with magical aesthetic. Crystals are all inspired from real-world earthly crystals and some of them grant protective abilities.
This mod contains versions for both fabric and forge loader continuing with neoforge versions.
All items included are craftable using vanilla resources in the game.


- added a new mechanic for growing crystals using the crystal planter
*note: make sure to harvest fully grown clusters before breaking the planter

- most of the crystals are now also placeable on walls or ceiling

- all crystals can be converted into newly added resource crystal shards, which can be used to either plant new crystals or craft new decorations

- grown crystal clusters drop new additional crystal shapes

- improved some old textures and models: reworked herbs, pumpkin pies and more

- added new building blocks and lamps

New Decorations examples:
- Crystal fairy lights
- Crystal star balls
- Witchy altar
- Bones
- New plushies: more cats and spiders
- Jewellery chest
- Wall paints

Little Guide:
Basic decorative crystals originally added in the mod are craftable using vanilla resources, now you can also use them to get shards which are plantable via crystal planter, to get even more shards and crystal shapes.

Interactive decorations guide:
Crystal Ball - sparkles when right clicked, 2 versions for individual preference

Stacks of books: You can build large bookstacks up infinitely as long as you crouch, they transform into invested material(books) if rightclicked.
Placeable foods and basket are replaceable until you start using them.

*Note: potion collection and magic pot can be crafted using any potions.

*Tip: Enabling glowing particles via your shader, is very recommended. 

You can find some useful performance tips and all this mod's recipes right here:MAGIC VIBE DECORATIONS

Three Legendary crystals from End, Nether and Overworld dimensions each with special ability to protect your base from hostile mobs! Newly added shapes also grant the same abilities.

*Tip: place more crystals around your base if you want to take full advantage of the effect.


Check out my other mods:


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You can include this mod in your modpack/video, with credits included.