This mod allows you to prevent mobs from being spawned.
In this mod, I created these conditions.
- Biome
- Entity type (zombie, skeleton, bat, etc.)
- Entity classification (Monster, Creature, Water Creature, Water Ambient, etc.)
- Dimension (over world, nether, the end)
- Position (x, y, z coordinate)
- Spawn reason (natural, spawner, spawn egg, etc.)
- Light level
You can make own rule by combining the conditions.
Rules can be added/removed via command.
- /limitmobspawn query
- /limitmobspawn add
- /limitmobspawn remove
To change the number of mobs spawned from default Monster Spawner, execute this(1.18 only)
- /limitmobspawn spawner spawnCount <new count>
To change the limit of numbers of mobs which can newly spawn, execute this.
- /limitmobspawn category_limit set <category> <limit>
These are the default values in vanilla.
- Monster: 70
- Creature: 10
- Ambient(bats): 15
- Axolotls: 5
- Underground Water Creature: 5
- Water Creature: 5
- Water Ambient: 20
To add rules, make data pack. In the data pack, create "limit-mob-spawn" directory and place rule file(json) in the dir. See Official Wiki for more detail of data pack.
datapacks in each world
└─(name space)
└─other rule files
Follow these link to see example rules.
1.16.5: this
1.17.1: this
1.19.2 Example Datapack
See this page for change log.