First it starting with wanting to add a Pumpkin biome in 1.12.2 since there wasn't one. Then it evolved into wanting to add spooky and disturbing biomes like a flesh themed biome and so on.
At the moment only 6 biomes are in this mod
- Pumpkin Pastures
- Skeleton Graveyard
- Fleshlands
- Radioactive Wastelands
- Haunted Woods
- Dead Lands
54 mobs all Halloween and Horror related
Update 1
- Brainy
- Swamp Monster
- Invisible Man
- Frankenstein
- Chupacabra
- La Llorona
- Xenomorph
- Waiter
- Imposter
Update 2
- Butcher
- Bride of Frankenstein
- Muscle creature
- Slenderman
- Transparent man
- Fly creature
- Mutant
- Insane escapee
- Pumpkin monster
- IT
- La chancla
Update 3
- Freddy Krueger
- Ningen
- Gremlin
- Gargoyle
- Cartoon Cat
- Photo-Negative Mickey
- Forgotten Baby
- Thomas
Update 4
- Necromancer
- Skeleton Shark
- Dementor
- Baby Pumpkin
Left 4 Dead 2
- Common Infected
- Boomer
- Hunter
- Spitter
- Charger
- Witch
FNaF 4
- Nightmare Endo
- Nightmare Freddy
- Nightmare Bonnie
- Nightmare Chica
- Nightmare Foxy
- Nightmare Fredbear
- Plushtrap
- Nightmare
- Dreadbear
- Jack-O-Bonnie
- Jack-O-Chica
- Grim Foxy
- Nightmare Mangle
- Nightmare Balloon Boy
- Nightmarionne
- Faz-Goo Creature
Scythe (comes in all 5 variants wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond)
Scarecrow's Fear Needle Glove from the arkham games
Pumpkin Bombs
Fear Scythe
Necro Scythe
Acid Sprayer
La Chancla
Assault Rifle
A heck load of structures
Everything is subject to change in coming updates.
I will not add these mob due to them being over used and already existing mods
Tree Stalker
Giant Spider
Flying Eye
Grim Reaper
Thank you all for sticking with me, I will port the latest version to 1.12.2 and stop updating the mod until sometime in November. Faz-Goo and the Haunted metal might still play a bigger role in the future. The additional Nightmare Animatronics will have to be delayed due to school among other things but don't worry they are not cancelled. Feel free to post down suggestions and/or bugs you have found. Until next time mates and thank you for downloading my mod HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Stay tune for something special in Thanksgiving...
Mod created using MCreator
Custom Heads used from FreshCoal Heads and Minecraft Heads (minecraft-heads.com)