Iron Fences
This mod adds a variety of different fences, fence gates and walls made from metallic materials. It includes:
- Iron Fences
- Iron Fence Gates: Can only be opened with redstone, like all other iron-utilities in game.
- Iron Walls
- Copper Fences
- Copper Fence Gates: Can only be opened by a player
- Copper Walls
- Copper nuggets: Used to craft the abovementioned copper blocks
- Gold Fences and Gold Fence Gates: These two blocks can pass redstone through.
- Gold Walls
For in-game footage and the crafting recipes of the new blocks and items, take a look at the images-tab of this page.
In order to use this mod, Minecraft Forge is required. (Please see the individual file-changelogs for the forge versions.)
The source-code to this mod is available at my GitHub.
Modpacks / Use
Feel free to include this mod in any kind of modpack you like (as long as it is not for commercial-use!)
This mod is protected by the GNU General Public License v3.0 (see here).
For any kind of enquiries message me here on curseforge or at: mods(at)chris5011(dot)dev
Other Versions:
This mod is now also available for Fabric. (See https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/iron-fences-fabric) It will be updated soon to contain the new features!