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Instrumentus is now feature configurable! Find "instrumentus-common-config.toml" in your Configs folder and turn off any features that you don't want! This will disable their recipes, they will remain in the game.

Instrumentus features many different tools that fall under many different content categories! Below you can find a description of each of the features in the mod, organized by the same categories the configuration file uses.

Paxels - Pickaxe! Shovel! Axe! Only the Paxel, master of all three tools can conquer every block! Oh, and it can strip logs and make paths too!

Hammers - Vanilla-style hammers that mine in a 3x3 area around the block you are breaking. Great for mining!

Sickles - Need a quick and dirty way to clear out a forest? Or a lot of tall grass? The Sickle is the way to go!

Shears - Shears for every tool material, shearing sheep doesn't have to be gated behind iron anymore. Get those beds early!

Knives - A low attack damage high attack speed weapon that can also harvest plant fibers from grass, which can then be crafted into string.

Brushes - Brushes made out of every material, all the speeds are the same but the durabilities scale with the material.

Energized Tools - Forge-Energy powered tools for every variety of tool, including the new tools added by the mod. They are compatible with most other mods that use FE, but can also be fully charged if struck by lightning. There's even a tool that can cause lightning strikes on lightning rods.

Copper Tools - Tools made out of copper! Faster than iron tools, but with less durability.

Soulcopper - A new tool-material that adds a pickaxe, which allows you to place a Soulcopper Flame with a right click, functioning as a semi-renewable torch. You can also create a Soulcopper Burner, which is used to accelerate Copper Oxidization. There are also a variety of decorative blocks!

Kiln - A new furnace variant similar to the Blast Furnace and Smoker, used for smelting sand, clay, and other decorative blocks.

Trial Tools - A collection of useful tools inspired by the Trail Chambers. The Wind Boots allow for a double jump, and a Wind Blower block that can be used to prevent phantom spawns.

Want to discuss the mod, ask questions, or just chat with other folks who use the mod? Feel free to join the Bean's Mods Discord server.

If you want to support my development in another way, please do so through my Ko-Fi Page

Are you looking for a Minecraft Server to play Instrumentus on with your friends, and want to support the creation of Instrumentus any my other mods? Consider checking out BisectHosting, and use code "beanbot" or click this link for 25% off your first month on any of their gaming servers!

Please feel free to suggest your new tools in the GitHub Discussions feature suggestion forum.

If you encounter any bugs, please report them to the Issue Tracker.

Instrumentus - Version 2.8.0

Instrumentus - Version 2.5.0 thru 2.7.0

 Instrumentus - Version 2.4.0 - Trails, Tales, and Tools Update


Instrumentus - Version 2.1.0 - Tools of the World Update