Global events is a mod that adds various random events that can happen in your minecraft world to spice up your gameplay.
The chance for events is configurable and so is their duration, but by default there is a 5% chance for them to happen every half a day. The events are as follows:
Meteor Shower
Meteors will rain arround players, dealing high damage by default (configurable) the amount of meteors spawned is configurable (although increasing the number too high might cause lag)
Acid Rain
Acid rain will cause a permanent rain during the event duration, standing under the rain will poison any entities that are under it, poison duration and amplifier are configurable.
A powerful gust of wind will push all entities towards a random direction (chosen at the start of the event) the power of the wind is configurable, by default players can fight against the wind with some difficulty (its not recommended to put the wind power too high or else the game will basically be unplayable)
Heat wave
The temperature in the world has temporarily increased to unliveable levels. Entities tempearture will gradually increase over time, standing near cold blocks will reduce the heat level (All forms of ice) or submerging oneself in water. Keep your heat levels low or you'll catch on fire! (configurable)
Polar wave
The temperature has temporarily decreased to freezing levels. Your temperture will gradually go down over time. Stand near heat-sources to maintain your temperature high (Camp fires, Fire, Torches, Magma blocks or Lava), dont get too cold or you'll freeze to death!
Harvest day
Crops will grow twice as fast during this event
(Note: This event will modify the randomtickspeed gamerule. Check config for details)
Heavy Thunderstorm
Like a normal thunderstorm, but with more lightning
/globaleventstype sets the current active weathertype:
0 - None
1 - Meteors
2 - Acid Rain
3- Windy
4- Heat wave
5- Polar wave
6- Harvest day
7- Heavy Thunderstorm
Sets the duration of the current active event in ticks, all weather effects are disabled when this hits 0 even if the type is set
sets the wind direction for the windy event, does nothing if event type is not 3. Ranges from 0 to 8. 0 means none, any other number is a direction.
Special Thanks
- Thanks to MCreator for making this all possible
- Add more events
- Iterate based on feedback
- Fix bugs if any
If you wish to support me, you can donate to Buy Me A Coffee. Any kind of support is welcome, though not necesary.