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Seltop's NewNPC mod


Seltop's NewNPC mod

Designed by the community, for the community.

 cover art: glimps, glitchartz


NewNPC mod allows you full control over your graphics.

The mod incorporates a multitude of useful features to help you get better.



Download the mod.

Make sure you have Rubidium and Oculus installed.

The mod is also compatible with 3D skins.

Go into %APPDATA%/.minecraft .

Place the mod inside your mods folder.

Installing forge before hand is required. Launching the mod through feather client will not work.




  • Wand - Creates and controls NPCs.
  • Presets - Saves premade NPCs to a preset.
  • Rotator - Rotates NPC facing the player.
  • Stamp - Copy and paste NPCs
  • Deactivator - Sets all NPCs on/off with a right click .
  • Teleporter - Teleport between scenes/biomes in an instant.



  • Additional inventory tabs for Bedwars armor and Skywars items.
  • Position points are used by hitting CTRL+F6 to create one and F6 to get back to it.
  • To access the screenshot menu hit F7.
  • Modify flight speed by typing in game /flightspeed x. (x can be a decimal)



Discord Server




Creator - Seltop

Staff - Ivan, Glimps, Flod, MonkeyFog

Donators: Marlow, Mangofx, Jordaxn, ark, painpega

1.20 Devs - hinoob, retrooper, itskillerluc, JavaJumper, Seltop, Noppes

1.8.9 Devs - Picono435, Roadhod360, Seltop, Noppes