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Fallout Wastelands

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Welcome to the Fallout Wastelands ! 


Good morning ! I'm Anton Vaedak, main developper of the fallout wastlands mod project ! And this is a short presentation of our project and why you should give it a try ;) ! 


The Fallout Wastelands mod project have for goal the recreation of the famous Fallout franchise into minecraft . This is indeed a huge project that could take us an infinite amount of time . We are aware of this issue and so the mod will take years to reach it's full potential ( so as the fallout menu rather say "please wait" ) . As fans of the Fallout franchise we want this mod to be well made and close to the fallout universe, when we will be done with the fallout 1 / 2 / 3 / NV / 4 / 76 wastelands we will go for recreating the fallout 3 van buren wasteland this is where we will go from cannon to some fannon lore , since the game scenario wasn't done at all we'll need to add new characters, precise the level design ( etc ...) .

We are involved a lot in the developpement of this mod and hope you and the rest of the community will like it .


This mod is an unofficial mod for Minecraft inspired by the Fallout series. It is not affiliated with, endorsed, or approved by Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media, or any of their subsidiaries. All trademarks, characters, and intellectual properties related to Fallout are the property of Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media.

About the in-game contents :









To begin you will need to craft a portal igniter and some portal frames , the shape of the portal is a vanilla one , this will able you to join the modded dimension . Once you joined the dismension you will be free to do whatever you want to , the mod is actually very exploration focused so you'll have plenty dungeons to fight your way in . Lots of the blocks added by the mod are craftable so you can enjoy building your own settlement in the wasteland . 


Progressive difficulty ... is an important factor of the mod , some dungeons are far more difficult than others , for exemple you should beggin by ennemi free ruins then go fight raider , then fight supermutants ... The two more difficult dungeons are the brotherhood of steel abandonned bunker which is guarded by the terrible robobrains and the Enclave Comm center which is for now from far the most hardcore dungeon we made , concidere all options , in some cases you can go through the dungeon by some stealth ways , no need to be a brute or to destroy the whole dungeon ( which have been built to be achieved without breaking anything !) .


We are developping this project with Mcreator , this software may be disclaimed by many peoples but it is a powerfull tool which allows us to work on such mod project and share them with all of you , it is a free software and I deeply respect the work Clem ( it's dev ) is putting in it , he is a true hero for peoples like us who want to make more contents for the community !



There are two power armor in the mod for now , each one coming with a weapon associated to their respectives factions :



-The Enclave Advanced Power Armor MKI ( aka APA or APA1) with a plasma rifle :


-The Brotherhood of Steel T-45 Power Armor with a laser rifle .


The mod adds near to 60 new blocks , 40 new items and also 5 new armor , and this list will go up by the time since we really want to bring a living mod and community to minecraft fallout themed modding .




As we have actually a lot of new content added there are some details I want you to be aware of , some are funny tricks , some others are really usefull !


1- When sneaking and right clicking the Highwayman you'll open the car's trunk . This one is used to store items but not only , you need to put a jerrican in the inventory space dedicated for it , or the car won't move .


2-Dip a villager / player in the vats of goo to turn him into a supermutant (sadly you can't play a supermutant for now but you still can fight what you former self have become).


3-Use abraxo cleaner to turn burnished wood into normal wood planks .


4-When exploring the high level dungeons allway try to find a way to sneak inside it will save you some amunitions , also try to be vigilant to stuff staches that are hidden in the dungeon .


5-Don't right click the Highwayman with a gun , it could bug you inside ( we are trying to fix that) .


6-Don't step or touch nuclear waste barrels or uranium blocks , they are radioactives .


7-If it's big , flee .


8-Craft a robobrain block and try to hack it with a military grade pass which can be found in some structures .


WIP and to come contents :




1- More buildings , some small towns .

2- More misc food and junks .

3- More weapons and armors .

4- A radiation system .

5- Random encounters ( like the fallout 1 / 2 ones .) .

6- Friendly and neutral npcs , some with quests .

7- New Vegas dimension .

8- Commonwealth dimension .

9- Perks system .

10- Compagnions system .

11- Minecraft Van Buren .

12- Appalachia dimension .




We also own a discord server , you can join it to follow the mod progress and to join this growing community ! I'll mark it's location on your map ! :P



 I hope you enjoy this project as much as we do ! Good luck out there !