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Enhanced Boss Bars


Fabric version soon

Enhanced Boss Bars

Enhanced Boss Bars is a project that aims to improve all the boss bars so that there is a better immersion in the amazing world of minecraft, since the default bars are very uncreative. If you have any suggestions for a mod boss, please comment and I'll put it on the mod list.

I hope you enjoy it and thank you very much for watching.


Mod Compatibility Errors 

In the next update, I'll be adding options to set where you want the boss bars, but for now if you're using the upcoming mods, you'll need to do these things:


You can set where you want to see Jade HUD by modifying Horizontal Ratio and Vertical Ratio or you can turning it off by doing the following:

1.19.2 and older versions:

  • Main Menu -> Mods -> Jade -> Config -> Jade Settings -> Display entities -> OFF

1.20.1 and new versions

  • Main Menu -> Mods -> Jade -> Config -> Mod Settings -> Display Bosses -> OFF
  • Main Menu -> Mods -> Jade -> Config -> Mod Settings -> Boss Bars Overlap -> Push Down Tooltip


  • (In game) Press Esc -> RPG-Hud -> Entity Inspector -> Show Entity Inspect: OFF (or just change the position)
  • (In game) Press Esc -> RPG-Hud -> Compass -> Enable Compass: OFF (or just change the position)


Mod list 

Mod list


What's new? 

Hey! As some of you probably know, there are mods that are incompatible in the texture pack version of Enhanced Boss Bars, so I made this mod to make them compatible. These mods were L_Ender's Cataclysm and The Aether. Both of them works now and these are the boss bars: