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DragonRealm v2 for Minecraft 1.10.2  (wiki - http://dragonrealm-mod.wikia.com/)

Have you ever wished that EnderDragons were stronger?  Have you ever played on a server where someone had already slain the EnderDragon before you had a chance to slay it yourself?  Have you wondered what the Overworld would be like with Dragons roaming the skies?  If so, then this is the mod for you!

DragonRealm v2 still adds three unique Dragons, each with different attack and health values, but now adds custom armor, tools, loot, player attack abilities, and an achievement page.  See the detailed information on our wiki at http://dragonrealm-mod.wikia.com/  I hope you enjoy this mod and wish you the best of luck on your quest to slay all dragons!

Note:  This mod is customizable using the config file.  Dragons do NOT cause damage to blocks and cannot clip through them either. 

***Archive for DragonRealm v1 for 1.7.10***

 - Dragons -

  • Scout Dragon:  This is the weakest of the dragons and will avoid all players wearing a full set of Alpha Dragon armor.
  • Hunter Dragon:  This is your average dragon that will offer quite a challenge to most players.  This dragon will also avoid players wearing a full set of Alpha Dragon armor.
  • Alpha Dragon:  This is the strongest of all dragons and will strike fear in almost all players!  This dragon will not fly from players wearing a full set of armor, so a "fight or flight" tactic will be required.

 - Armor -

  • Scout Dragon Armor:  This armor offers slightly better durability than Diamond Armor and has the enchantability of Gold Armor.  A full set of this armor provides Night Vision, Fire Resistance I, and Resistance I and the special ability of a random dragon shout on attack.
  • Hunter Dragon Armor:  This armor offers even greater durability than Diamond Armor and also has the enchantability of Gold Armor.  A full set of this armor provides Night Vision, Fire Resistance I, Resistance II, and Strength I, the special ability of a random dragon shout on attack, and Area of Affect damage to nearby hostile mobs.
  • Alpha Dragon Armor:  This armor offers the highest level of durability of all Dragon Armor and also has the enchantability of Gold Armor.  A full set of this armor provides Night Vision, Fire Resistance I, Resistance III, and Strength IV, the special ability of a random dragon shout on attack, and Area of Affect damage to nearby hostile mobs.

 - Crafting Items -

  • Scout Binding Thread:   Used in crafting Scout Dragon Armor.
  • Hunter Binding Thread:   Used in crafting Hunter Dragon Armor.
  • Alpha Binding Thread:   Used in crafting Alpha Dragon Armor.
  • Scout Dragon Scales:  Used in crafting Scout Dragon Armor.
  • Hunter Dragon Scales:  Used in crafting Hunter Dragon Armor.
  • Alpha Dragon Scales:  Used in crafting Alpha Dragon Armor.
  • Dragon Talon:  Used in crafting all Dragon Armor.