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Cloche Call is an add-on mod that aims to add support to the Immersive Engineering Cloche for crops that maybe shouldn't have them or would otherwise not normally have support added. It's primary focus is to add support for the Cloche but it also adds some recipes for some Immersive Engineering Machines related to the cloche support that has been added.


As of version 1.1.0, there is support for Rustic, The Betweenlands, Natura, Chococraft, and Trees!

Rustic Support includes

  • The ability to grow Herbs in the Cloche (Various Soil bits)
  • The ability to grow Chili and Tomato in the close (Dirt Soil)
  • The ability to Squeeze Apples, Grapes, Honeycombs, Ironberries, Olives, and Wildberries in the Industrial Squeezer for their juices or oils
  • All of the above can be disabled individually in the Configs

Betweenlands Support includes

  • The ability to use Swamp Water as a liquid fertilizer in the Cloche
    • There is a config option to adjust it's potency independent of the default IE value
  • The ability to use Compost as an item fertilizer in the Cloche
    • There is a config option to adjust it's potency independent of the default IE value
  • The ability to grow MOST Betweenland crops in the Cloche
    • Lichen, Moss, and Vine type plants are not currently supported. 

Natura Support Includes

  • The ability to grow Cotton and Barley in the Cloche
  • The ability to Squeeze Cotton and Barley Seeds for Plant Oil and to Ferment Natura fruit into Ethanol
  • All of the above can be disabled individually in the Configs

Chococraft Support Includes

  • The ability to grow Gysahl Greens in the Cloche
  • All of the above can be disabled individually in the Configs (totally not Copy Paste)

Tree Support Includes

  • User Definable Tree Support via JSON file
    • You can specify the sapling, soil required, as well as the Drops the tree should have as well as their chance to drop. The JSON file is only created when the file isn't found, so your changes will persist, however to update the defaults you'll need to delete the file and allow the mod to regenerate it.
  • Default Support Includes:
    • Vanilla Minecraft
    • Biomes O' Plenty
    • Pam's Harvestcraft
    • Integrated Dynamics
    • Natura
    • Rustic
    • Thaumcraft
    • Tinker's Construct
    • Traverse