"BM: Potion Amulets" introduces new amulets for Curio slots.
Amulets can have various potion effects, or other special effects and sometimes negative trade offs adding a touch of balanced magic to your adventures. Expand your gameplay and download "BM: Potion Amulets" now!
"Oh wow just another charms mod?"
BM: Potion Amulets is primarily designed for Beyond Mines mod packs, providing more balance right away than other mods that are currently included in BM packs for example.
First mod version will be creative only, allowing for the early inclusion in my and maybe your mod packs!^^
Following updates will include a vanilla survival obtainability (Either making them a part of loot or adding a new structure), amulets visualized on player body and more amulets.
Use the lootpool "potion_amulets:chest/potionamulets" to add one random amulet to an existing loot table.