An actively-cooled reactor. Terminal and access ports are on the right, while both coolant ports are on the left.
The GUI for an actively-cooled reactor, consuming liquid sodium and outputting super-heated sodium for use in a heat exchanger.
The GUI for a passively-cooled reactor directly outputting RF.
A small heat exchanger. I/O for the condenser (hot/to reactor) side is hidden on the right, while I/O for the evaporator (cool/to turbine) is on the left. The terminal is optional for a heat exchanger, but is included here at the front.
The GUI for a heat exchanger. Super-heated sodium and water are input as shown on the left, while liquid sodium and irradiated steam are output as shown on the right (in this photo, the output tanks are empty).
A turbine, using ludicrite as a coil and producing RF from irradiated steam. Coolant ports are hidden on the right side, with the terminal and RF power tap on the front.
A spinning turbine. RF is extracted from the irradiated steam, and is converted to water in the process whenever the coils are engaged.
A cyanite reprocessor. These may be used to reprocess reactor waste into something more useful.
The GUI for a cyanite reprocessor. When provided power and water, this machine can convert cyanite into blutonium, which may be put back into a reactor as fuel.