The Energy interface can now(since beta 1.8) share it's MEInventory, stop but what is 'MEInventroy'? It's whole your inventory in network, ME Drive, Storage cells, Storage buses all this is your MEInventory.
Tile used to store and extract energy from ME storage
Bus used to store and extract energy from ME storage system
Used to create ME storage from any energy container
Used to export filtered energies from ME network
Used to store new energy from filtered list (or any, if empty) to ME system
Used to store new energy to ME system, from entities near bus
Used to export energy from ME network to entities near bus
Disabled by default in config. Allows you to store mana in ME network
Disabled by default in config Allows user to create ME inventory from any mana storage
Allows you to store energy in it
Disabled by default in config Allows user to store mana in it
No description provided. Ask owner for more description, since he is too lazy to write it :)
Disabled by default in config Elven analog of fluix crystals
Crafting components for energy cell; Crafting components for energy buses
Simple system on two ME pylons and entangled black and white hole
Unformed variant of multiblock called "ME Logic Bus"