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Advanced Solars Classic avatar

Advanced Solars Classic


Advanced Solars Classic is basically Chocohead's Advanced Solar Panels ported to and tweaked for Ic2 Classic.


This version uses my own textures and my own code. As per Chochead's permission here I am allowed to use the name.


My Discord:

Note: This will only work with Ic2 Classic. Go play Chocohead's version here if you want a version that works with Ic2 Experimental.


List of Features:

Advanced Solar Panel
Generate: 16 EU day, 2 EU night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 32 000 EU
Output: 32 EU
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric things simultaneously)

Hybrid Solar Panel
Generate: 128 EU day,16 EU night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 100 000 EU
Output: 128 EU
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric things simultaneously)

Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel
Generate: 1024 EU day, 128 EU night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 1 000 000 EU
Output: 4096 EU
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric things simultaneously)

Solar Helmets
-> Can charge all electric items in the wearer's inventory, including baubles/curios.
-> Advanced Solar Helmet  (generating the same as an Advanced Solar Panel)
-> Hybrid Solar Helmet (generating the same as a Hybrid Solar Panel)
-> Ultimate Solar Helmet (generating the same as an Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel)

Molecular Transformer(1.19+ only):

Transforms one item into another using power
The faster you input power, the faster it runs


Here's the link to his version if anyone is interested: