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Golden Age Jujutsu (Jujutsucraft Addon)


Domain Amplification:Makes you unable to use your CT but allows you to bypass infinity.Unlocked when unlocking simple domain.


RCT 3:Makes your RCT heal you faster.Allows you to "heal" your technique burnout with a 33.3% change to receive brain damage and max RCT burnout every time its used.May occasionally heal you back from death.Unlocked after mastering RCT 2 and using it for a long time.


Spatial Dismantle:Makes your dismantle bypass infinity and resistance effects, deal more damage to players and blocks.To use , charge Dismantle past its usual limit until more particles are displayed when charging.Currently unlocked by having Mahoraga adapt to infnity and then allowing him to die.Cannot be used when brain damaged.


RCT Burnout:By using RCT you will now slowly gain "burnout" (demonstrated by the red squares above your ability selector).Each stage of burnout makes your RCT weaker and more expensive.At max burnout , you are completely unable to use RCT.Unlocked after unlocking RCT2.


-Mythical Beast Amber now makes special grade players have no cooldowns,as well as move faster and hit harder.

-Heavenly Restriction (Physical Gifted) now makes special grade players have no cooldowns or slowness effect.

-Rika will now grant their player enhanced CE regeneration when summoned (Lifted Curse Rika gives 2X the amount of normal Rika).Requires "Rika's Control" and "Curse is Lifed" advancements respectively.

-Merged Beast Agito and Funeral Tiger now have Domain Amplification constantly active.

-Sukuna`s arms will now make players have no slowness effect or physical cooldowns when equipped.

-Pressing the domain as Ishigori (full usage not needed) will grant you the effect "Cursed Energy Discharge" permanently , which allows you to charge your abilities faster and do more damage.

-Being in Jackpot now prevents you from getting RCT burnout and slowness, as well as increasing your CE regen.

-Using the Blood Gauntlets as Itadori (requires one on each hand) will make your physical attacks charge instantly and deal much more damage.

-Special/Grade 1 players can now double jump (once for grade 1 , twice for special grade).Special grade players also deal more damage and are faster.


Mob Buffs Gamerule (goldenAgeMobBuffs) :Buffs some Mobs to make them more fun to fight.Currently buffs Kashimo , Toji(s) , CG Maki , Kenjaku , Uraume , Hakari , Yuji (Shibuya) , CG Yuta, Ishigori and Higuruma.