ARIP Series Guns and Attachments Pack
This is a attachment pack for "Timeless and Classic Guns: Zero" , this pack adds some new attachments from real life or originality. They could be crafted in survive mode and attached on your gun.
How to install:
(completely same as other gun packs for TaCZ 1.1.4 or later)
Open your Minecraft game file, go to "tacz", and then put the whole .zip file you download here in (DO NOT unzip/extract).
You will then need to reload the game using the "/tacz reload" command, or restart the game. If you still cannot find the assets in this pack, please check that the file path of the pack is correct.
How to use:
In the game, make sure you have attachments in your backpack, hold the TaCZ gun and press "Z" (default) to open the modification interface. Click the slot in the upper right corner to switch attachments.
When using an expansion pack for creation and public release, the name of the expansion pack author (preferably @ to or the corresponding account profile page on the same website) and the original release page should be indicated in the introduction or comment area, and it should not and must not be distributed in other forms (including but not limited to re-uploading, transferring, etc.), which is mentioned or quoted in the original public distribution page, so when you use the expansion pack, you follow these matters by default. You have been properly informed again.
When using assets in the expansion pack (including but not limited to models, textures, etc.) for direct use or modification, you should first seek the direct consent or authorization of the original author or original distributor of the asset. If it is disclosed to the public without authorization, you may be severely held accountable. I, AstralLin, only represent myself independently and support the behavior of secondary creation, but I strongly disagree with and do not support the behavior of using original assets without authorization.
随后您需要在游戏内使用/tacz reload指令重载,或重新进入存档,最后手段是重启游戏,若尚不能寻得包内资产,请检查您的该包文件路径是否正确。