Ever wanted to disable portals so players can't teleport? You've come to the right place, this plugin makes it possible and you can schedule the times when the portals are to be active.
you can also set the date from when the portals should be active
- /timeportals localtime - Displays the current time of the server.
- /timeportals worlds - Displays all the worlds that are included.
- /timeportals info <world> - Displays Information about a particular world.
- /timeportals ignore <world> - It sets the given world to be disregarded.
- /timeportals open <world> - It opens up the world.
- /timeportals close <world> - It closes the world.
- /timeportals disable <world> - Turns off the world completely
- /timeportals open-date <world> <2024/01/22-20:00> - Sets the date from which the world will be active.
- /timeportals auto-open <world> <true|false> - Sets whether the world should be active at given times.
- /timeportals open-hour <world> <10:00> - Sets from which time the world should be active.
- /timeportals close-hour <world> <10:00> - Sets until what time the world should be active.
- /timeportals reload - Reload the plugin.
- timeportals.use » /timeportals
- timeportals.manage.reload » /timeportals reload
- timeportals.localtime » /timeportals localtime
- timeportals.manage.worlds.info » /timeportals info <world>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.ignore » /timeportals ignore <world_name>
- timeportals.manage.worlds » /timeportals worlds
- timeportals.manage.worlds.open » /timeportals open <world>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.close » /timeportals close <world>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.openhour » /timeportals open-hour <world> <time (10:00)>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.closehour » /timeportals close-hour <world> <time (11:00)>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.disable » /timeportals disable <world>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.autoopen » /timeportals auto-open <world> <true|false>
- timeportals.manage.worlds.opendate» /timeportals open-date <world> <open-date (2024/01/30-10:00:00)>
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Known Bugs
No known bugs. Please report them if you find any. Thanks!