

Version 1.3.2

A simple, lightweight plugin, allowing your players to pay to switch ranks on a pre-determined track. You can configure a different track of ranks by which your players can progress on, and define a price for each rank. This plugin works with any Vault compatible permissions plugin, such as PermissionsEx and GroupManager.

This plugin is dependent upon Vault.

Note: While this plugin has not been updated in a while, it still should work on the latest version of Spigot/Craftbukkit. If it is not working, there is probably a problem with your configuration, or you do not have Vault.


Download the latest version of the plugin here. Put the file in your server's plugins folder. When you start/reload your server, the configuration file will be created automatically.

Additionally, this plugin requires Vault and an economy and permissions plugin compatible with Vault.

Then, you need to edit the configuration which will be inside your /plugins/rankup/ folder under the name 'config.yml.' Follow the configuration guide to configure the plugin.

Once you have configured the plugin to your liking, type /rankup reload.

Rankup Signs: To create a Rankup sign, simply enter "[Rankup]" ( without the quotes ) on the first line of a sign. Do not add any other text to the sign. When you right click the sign, you will rankup as if you had entered the /rankup command.


  • /rankup - Rank up to the next available rank.
  • /rankup version or /rankup v - Check the version of the plugin currently running.
  • /rankup reload or /rankup r - Reload the configuration.


  • rankup.* - Grant all rank up permissions.
  • rankup.rankup - Ability to do /rankup ( Not /rankup v or /rankup r, they require seperate permissions)
  • rankup.version - Ability to do /rankup version or /rankup v
  • rankup.reload - Ability to do /rankup reload or /rankup r
  • rankup.sign - Ability to create and remove Rankup signs.


Version 1.3.2

  • + Fixed an issue where ranks might not have been deleted with override set to false.

Version 1.3.1

  • + Fixed an issue with the default language file.
  • + Fixed an issue where players would only be set to the new rank in their world.
  • + Fixed an issue where players would only be able to rankup once.
  • + Fixed an issue where previous ranks would not be removed from a player.

Version 1.3

  • + Language file
  • + Updated and fixed
  • - Removed Metrics

Version 1.2

  • + Rankup signs
  • + Permission node rankup.sign

Version 1.1.4

  • + Fixed issues with /rankup

Version 1.1.3

  • + Fixed issues with GroupManager

Version 1.1.2

  • + Fixed the /rankup command

Version 1.1

  • + Metrics
  • + Bug fixes

Version 1.0

  • + Initial release.


The plugin's source code is available here. (outdated)

Official Server: Evolve Economy: evolve.beastmc.com