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Plugin: Simple NPC plugin to add life to your server.

Version: v3.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Build: CB 1.7.9 R0.1


Note: This plugin connects to Mojang's online UUID API to access players UUID's.


Pl3xNPC is a simple plugin to add basic NPCs to your server and bring some life into it! These NPCs currently only look at players (or in any direction you specify, like a statue) and say simple 1-liner messages to them. They can also hold items and wear armor (even enchanted items or other items with special properties)! Not to mention, they can be ANY mob you want them to be, not just a player type.



Commands and Permissions

View the ChangeLog


  • Create any username or mob type NPC
    • Premium usernames show their premium skins
    • Multiple NPCs can have the same name
    • Any mob type will work (creeper, pigzombie, cow, chicken, wither, etc)
  • NPCs now have owners
    • You can give your users the ability to create their own NPCs without the fear of messing with others' or the main config.
    • NPCs can only be manipulated/deleted by their owner (including the armor/items).
    • Server admins have the ability to bypass owners (with proper perm node).
    • Limit the number of NPCs a user can create with permission nodes!
  • Items can be given to an NPC!
    • Select an NPC and use the command or right click with the item in hand to give any armor!
      • Armor will automatically be worn!
      • Ability for any item to be worn on an NPC's head (admin can set to enable/disable this feature)
    • Must have the item to give (removes from your inventory) unless you have the 'canspawn' perm node
    • All items given can be taken back by giving them something else (including air)!
  • NPCs can talk! (one-liner messages)
    • Triggered when walking into a customizable message radius
    • Admin can set the chat format (to match ANY chat plugin's style)
    • Includes variables: {world} {npc} {name} {dispname}
    • Chat styles and color codes supported!

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