Money4Exp allows players to earn money for the amount of experience they have. This plugin also allows you to remove all experience orbs from the world every amount of seconds. The time in which it checks players' experience and removes orbs is customizable. How Money4Exp works is it gives the player money for his experience then resets the player's experience. Money4Exp is great because it doesn't require any databases or any kind of storage of data.
Installation for Money4Exp is incredibly simple. Just drop the Money4Exp jar file into your plugins folder. Then run your server once for it to create a configuration file. Configure it to your liking then restart your server for the changes to take effect. More information on configuration below.
There are 4 config options available:
- "ExpMultiplier" - This is how much you want to multiply your experience by to give the player money. Experience * ExpMultiplier = MoneyGiven
- "PayDelayInSeconds" - How long in seconds you want the server to pay each player for their experience.
- "RemoveOrbs" - Do you want to remove all experience orbs on your server? true/false
- "OrbDelayInSeconds" - How long in seconds you want experience orbs to be removed if "RemoveOrbs" is set to true.
- "KeepExperience" - Do you want players to keep their experience? true/false The payout for this is balanced. Players will only be paid for the difference in experience from their last payout or since they've logged in.
Economy compatibility
Almost all economies are supported through the Register Plugin by Nijikokun. You do not need to have the Register Plugin installed in order for Money4Exp to work. You do however need an economy plugin so players can be paid.