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FlyMode Plugin - 1.13 Command support, ActionBar support, Customizable messages and Leave safety system


  • /fly or /fly  - enables/disables FlyMode
  • /flymode   - sets FlyMode state
  • /flymodeconfig reload - reloads config and messages

User/VIP Permissions


Admin Permissions:

  • flymode.command.flymode
  • flymode.command.flymodeconfig


  • /fly - without a player your FlyMode toggles
  • /fly  - with a player the FlyMode of the specified player toggles
  • /flymode  - sets the FlyMode of the specified player to enable/disable (supports vanilla selectors for instance: @p, @r, @a)
  • /flymodeconfig reload  - reloads content of config.yml and messages.yml
  • Actionbar support - can be enabled/disabled in the config
  • Messages - customizable messages
  • Leave safety system - if you leave the game and the server restarts, when you join you will not fall
  • 1.13 Command support


use-actionbar: true


  • use color codes with &
  • %prefix% will be replaced with the prefix in the first line
  • %player% gets replaced with the other player
prefix: '&3[&fFlyMode&3]&r'
fly-enabled: '&aFly enabled'
fly-disabled: '&cFly disabled'
fly-player-enabled: '%prefix% &aFly enabled for %player%'
fly-player-disabled: '%prefix% &cFly disabled for %player%'
player-only-command: '&cA player is required to run this command here'


Install (1.13.x)

  1. Download this plugin here
  2. Download the CommandAPI by JorelAli here
  3. Put both Jar files in the /plugins/ directory of your server and restart or reload it.

Older versions of the plugin are still available for different Bukkit/Spigot versions.

Thank you for over 13.000 downloads!

If you want to report a bug, create an issue in the issues tab :)