This is the full release of my entry, it is not fully finished as I planned it, but the basic plugin is done, I'd say 80% of what is possible is working :)
Now what does the plugin do?
It allows players to do a command "/bowsplus" to turn any of their bows into entity spawners. Based on the configuration of that server - and the permissions the player has - a player can make his bow shoot mobs and items :)
What, how does that work?
More details will follow, on subpages. Generally, I'll line out some examples:
- /bp DIAMOND_AXE durabilty:50
- /bp WOOL amount:10 data:3
- /bp SKELETON rider:ZOMBIE (that's a zombie riding a skeleton)
What about the config?
uses: arrows: true #should the plugin STILL use arrows for every shot? blacklist: true #activate blacklisting cost: false #require players to actually have the thing to shoot, and remove it whitelist: true #activate whitelisting tracker: true #phone home blacklist: - BEDROCK whitelist: - GRAVEL
Link to the whitelist/blacklist Material ENUM: click me
What are the possible options for XXXX?
All the bukkit ENUM subvalues are publicly available and well documented:
- ExperienceOrb: value -> the EXP value, an integer!
- FallingBlock: ->
- material: Material ENUM
- data: an integer value (wool color, etc)
- Firework:
- Unknown color ''. TODO
- MinecartMobSpawner:
- Unknown color ''. TODO
- PrimedTNT: fuse -> the ticks it will wait before detonating (20 = 1 second)
- Creeper: powered (optional)
- Horse:
- MagmaCube: size: the size, an integer
- Ocelot:
- type: Type ENUM
- tamed (optional)
- Sheep:
- color: DyeColor ENUM
- sheared (optional)
- Skeleton: type: Type ENUM
- Slime: size: the size, an integer
- Villager: profession: Profession ENUM
What other commands are there?
As admin (bowsplus.admin or being OP) you can use /bowsplusreload to reload the config
Feel free to suggest new features and report bugs, use the built in ticket system, plz :)
Phoning home
The plugin calls my server, and saves the following to the database:
- the plugin name
- the plugin version
- the server IP
- the port
The IP and port are never shown, they just are used to differentiate servers from each other. I would like you to keep the plugin doing this, so I have an idea how many servers are using which version, that's basically it. To turn it off, change the config yml setting tracker to false