Release Date
Vanilla paxels: pickaxe + axe + shovel in one.
Copper armor and tools.
Emerald armor and tools.
Nuclear Science is a Minecraft Mod for version 1.20 focused around nuclear physics that introduces many new machines/blocks and items into the game.
Electrodynamics is a Minecraft Mod focused around science and technology that introduces many new machines/blocks and items into the game.
Vanilla excavators breaking in a 3x3 area.
Vanilla hammers breaking in a 3x3 area.
Resources for Asylum Studios packs and friends.
Adds recipes to convert Thermal Expansion Slag and Rich Slag into resource nuggets at a low rate
Uncraft books into paper or burn them into ashes
Thaumcraft-inspired decoration blocks for modern Minecraft
Compressed versions of vanilla blocks.
Fantasy ores and gems, tools and armor.
Real ores and gems, tools and armor.
Logical remake of Heartstone textures.
Making pickaxes look sleeker by widening their stance
Modpack focusing on industrial progression with QQL content
Vanilla coins for better server trading.
BYSS Discord server modpack, now for 1.18
BYSS Discord server modpack