Release Date
Custom block and entity models
Seamlessly blending mod textures for a more cohesive experience. Also introduces connected textures for modded blocks
Add-on for UltimaCraft PBR which adds realistic material maps
Improved default minecraft textures, models, animations, GUIs and mobs.
Add-on for Ultimacraft, which adds normal and specular maps
Add-on for Ultimacraft, which adds bushy leaves and falling leaves animation.
Adds unique look for each enchanted book, tool, armor and weapon
Better Details is a resource packed that enhances the Minecraft experience.
Interface add-on for Ultimacraft
Add-on for Ultimacraft which makes blocks look realistic.
Experimental resourcepack which makes leaves look a bit bushy, but still blocky.
Adds snow layer for all blocks. Optifine required!
Addon for Ultimacraft. Adds enhanced mob models and textures, closed to vanilla
Makes all custom UltimaCraft models flat, like vanilla Minecraft models.