Release Date
Oldest textures of Minecraft
Eternal Tales is a huge RPG story mod that adds more of new worlds, skills, quests and bosse
This is vanilla style mod that adds some of vanilla style features and upgrades vanilla mechanics
This mod adds a new type of ore called Sacred Ore from what can be made a lot of unique artefacts with unique usage
Exeventyre is a magic RPG mod that adds crystal sorcery to Minecraft
Adds movement gels from Portal 2 that can accelerate you or increase your jump and can be used for maps
Fixes the bug that Fortune doesn't work on Amethyst Clusters if applied on pickaxes from mods.
Arky's Environment - add new plants, decorations and other things in the world of Minecraft. Unlike many mods, it will not add many of their biomes, rather the opposite will try to improve the old.
Adds Death Mode that kills you every time you got a damage.
Modification based on new worlds, items, biomes, bosses and mobs!