Release Date
Improve your better combat experience with multiple new sets of animations
Protect structures to be destroyed or placing blocks in there by the Players
Add a cooldown for any food.
Make the Night never end in the Overworld with the "nightmare" Game Stage.
Adds extra icons for the Xaero's Minimap mod
Adds a song when you are in the range of an Illager Raid!
Unlock knowledge, obtain the artifacts and defeat the Dragon to complete your journey!
This mod allows to modify the Damage of Bows and Crossbows.
An Addon for Dynamic Trees mod to increase the Apple Trees over the Overworld.
Summon meet your fight bosses with a new altar!
Adds the permanent Glowing effect to all enemies participating in a Raid event.
With this mod, you can mine any type of coral with shears to get the corresponding item!
Allow to hide name tags with a keybind.
Once the Warden is defeated, this one is not going to appear in this same Ancient City where it was summoned
Adds Speech Bubble Texts above the Villagers
This mod allows to modify the Damage and Coldown of any Weapon.
Changes the durability of any item. Works server-side only but will desync the durability that appears to the player (For sychronized durability install it in the client side too)
Addon for Waystones to make Pets teleport with you when using a Waystone without need to attach them to a lead
Beds will not set spawnpoints anymore
Disable Villager Trades GUI