ALL ABILITIES CONFIGURABLE see the Wiki (link below) for INI configs
Sivatherium silvadominus | Late Miocene | Herbivore | Proud
Wild Sivatherium silvadominus rarely strays outside its forest domain where it watches over the inhabitants. Curiously, the creatures of the forest will fight to protect Sivatherium despite the favour rarely being returned. Able to carefully weigh the cost of battle and understand what is needed to help turn the tide, Sivatherium will only join the fight when it must.
Tamed Once impressed by a survivor who can prove themselves resourceful and strong, Sivatherium will lend its agility, stamina and speed, making it an excellent mount for travelling. Whilst Sivatherium may not fight for the wild creatures who share its domain, it understands them well. Take Sivatherium with you to find your next taming target, and it will give you valuable knowledge to help build your kingdom together.
Sivatherium is a completely custom, cross-platform creature intended to provide an engaging, viable alternative to using flyers when searching for taming targets.
Abilities Primary ability (LMB/RT) - Headbutt | Secondary ability (RMB/LT) - Rear kick that inflicts a slow debuff | Tertiary ability (C/R) - Immobile, defensive stance with 80% reduced damage | Alternate ability (LCTRL/hold RB) - Visual overlay to highlight nearby creatures and read dino stats | Passive ability - Detection of nearby max-level creatures when mounted (denoted by a buff icon for the rider).
Taming Sivatherium is an uncommon spawn in the Redwoods (The Island, The Center) and in the Badlands (Scorched Earth). Aberrant Sivatherium can be found in the Fertile Zone (Aberration). It is a passive tame that, in order of preference, accepts sweet vegetable cakes, vegetables and berries. When fed, certain creatures nearby will become aggressive and should be killed without harming the Sivatherium.
See the wiki.gg page for more info: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Mod:ARK_Wilds/Sivatherium
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