Randi's Halloween Mod - Premium Mod
ModID: 1104267
This mod does NOT work on official.
Discord channel: https://discord.gg/uWm5muMNC9
Known Issues: None
A Halloween Boss, the witch, Morgana Blackthorn! Read more about her below.
Haunted house skins
Haunted House
Halloween decorations.
Three new Halloween creatures
New Halloween themed heavy combat music (see music licensing information below).
NOTE: the mod MUST be 1st in load order for the music to work.
All Halloween Creatures are immune to radiation damage.
Wild Jack O' Lantern Pumpkins
---o Temperament: Reactive - has bonus damage for packs
---o Diet: Herbivore
---o Spawn Regions: Just about everywhere except caves
---o Taming method: knock out
---o Preferred Kibble: Halloween Kibble
---o Breedable, Not ridable
---o A shoulder pet that rides on your head like a pumpkin helmet
---o Kill to harvest to collect pumpkin wedges for cooking
---o Kill to harvest pumpkin seeds to grow pumpkins
Wild Witch's Hut
---o Temperament: Reactive
---o Diet: Omnivore
---o Spawn Regions: Just about everywhere except beaches and caves.
---o Taming method: knock out
---o Preferred Kibble: Halloween Kibble
---o Not breedable
---o Rideable no saddle required
---o Natural armor
---o Use right kick to harvest berries, wood and thatch
---o Use left kick to harvest creatures (meat, hide, skeleton bones, pumpkin wedges)
---o Can place structures inside the hut
---o Can cook recipes using the Witch's Fireplace inside the hut
---o Only place to cook, Summoning Elixir, fuel for the Summoning Altar
Wild Halloween Skeletons
---o Temperament: Aggressive
---o Diet: Unknown
---o Spawn Regions: Depends on the variety
---o Not tamable
---o Harvest for skeleton bones for crafting Haunted house skins, potions and more
---o Killing the Pike Skeleton unlocks the Halloween Pike Engram
---o Killing the Chainsaw Skeleton unlocks the Samurai Halloween Mask Skin Engram
---o Wild Skeletons drop trophy skull heads
---o Hint: Pumpkin Grenades and Pumpkin Cannonballs do extra damage to skeletons.
Five different Wild Halloween Skeleton varieties:
---o Melee Skeleton - Spawns in easy zones
---o Pike Skeleton - Spawns in medium difficulty areas
---o Bow and Arrow Skeleton - Spawns in medium difficulty areas
---o Chainsaw Skeleton - Spawns in Hard difficulty areas
---o Bow and Fire Arrow Skeleton - Spawns in Hard difficulty areas
Halloween Boss, a powerful witch called Morgana Blackthorn
---o Three levels of difficulty Gamma, Beta, Alpha
---o Hint: Pumpkin Grenades and Pumpkin Cannonballs do extra damage to Morgana Blackthorn
---o Build the Summoning Altar and place it where you want to battle her
---o The spooky trees surrounding the Altar mark the outer circle of the temporary arena
---o Craft Summoning Elixir inside the Witch's Hut fireplace to fuel the Summoning Altar
---o Gather Halloween Skeleton bones as an offering to Summon Morgana Blackthorn
---o Once summoned you will be trapped inside an arena dome
---o You have 30 minutes to defeat Morgana or she will be gone.
---o Beware one of her attacks destroys all structures.
---o Careful what dinos you bring as she will summon her own counter Skeleton Dinos.
------o for example: If you bring Gigas or Carchars, she will spawn in Bone Gigas
------o Bring any Wyverns, Argents, Queztzals, Tapejaras or Rynios and she will spawn in a bone alpha wyvern
------o She might spawn in one bone alpha rex, one bone alpha Carno as well
------o She always brings her favorite alpha bone raptor
---o During the battle Morgana will also spawn in Halloween Skeletons
------o Gamma level: Melee Halloween Skeletons
------o Beta level: Halloween Skeletons with a bow and spear
------o Alpha level: Halloween Skeletons with chainsaws and bow with fire arrows
---o Morgana's attack abilities are as follows::
------o Spawning in Minions
------o Throwing a Boulder
------o Energy Tornado (stun and melee damage)
------o Zombie Hands (melee damage & destroys structures)
------o A small fireball (burns all characters)
---o If you defeat Morgana Blackthorn two pumpkins with treasure and element will appear on the altar.
---o Harvest Morgana's body for Witch Essence
---o Use Witch Essence to craft a Fire Resistance Potion.
Rewards defeating Morgana Blackthorn are as follows:
---o Gamma Morgana: 2 Pumpkins full of treats (12 element, red swamp cave loot set) and (12 element, red ice cave loot set), Gamma Morgana Flag
---o Beta Morgana: 2 Pumpkins full of treats (25 element, red swamp cave loot set) and (25 element, red ice cave loot set), Beta Morgana Flag
---o Alpha Morgana: 2 Pumpkins full of treats (50 element, red swamp cave loot set) and (50 element, red ice cave loot set), Alpha Morgana Flag
Unlock the Halloween Altar Engram to craft Halloween decorations.
---o 8 Jack O' Lanterns
---o 10 Gravestones
---o 7 Candles
---o 16 Spider Webs
---o 7 Creepy Halloween Artworks for your Haunted House. Has a chance to generate haunted sound effects.
---o 5 Spooky Tree varieties
---o An animated Rat fog maker
---o A bloody butcher knife
---o A box of Witch Supplies
---o An animated evil book
---o A skull with a candle
---o A Witch's Cauldron
---o Pumpkin Grenades - these grenades do extra damage against Halloween Skeletons and Morgana Blackthorn, but 9 damage against humans.
---o Pumpkin Cannon - shoots Pumpkin Cannonball Ammo and does extra damage against Halloween Skeleton and Morgana Blackthorn.
---o Pumpkin Cannonball Ammo - For shooting in the Pumpkin Cannon. Grow from large pumpkins seeds gathered from the Wild Jack O' Lanterns
---o A Witch Hat skin
---o A set of Haunted House skins to make your house appear haunted. (Skins for all building pieces except spiral stairs, ladders and fence foundations)
---o A variety of furniture for your haunted house. Some of the with haunted effects.
Recipes Crafatable in the Witch's Cauldron or the Witch's Fireplace(inside the Witch Hut Character)
---o Halloween Kibble - To tame certain Halloween creatures
---o Candy Corn - Consume it for a speed buff
---o Pumpkin Pie - It's delicious!
---o Fire Resistance Potion - 15 minute duration, works on you and your dinos, no damage from fire from the following: lava, fire arrow, fire wyvern.
---o Summoning Elixir - Acts as a fuel to run the Summoning Altar, This potion is ONLY craftable inside the Witch Hut's Fireplace
Halloween Combat Music song called Trick or Treat
Trick Or Treat by LiQWYD | https://www.liqwydmusic.com
Fully Licensed for Global, Perpetual usage to be played during usage of this mod or on advertisements, social media or websites featuring this mod.
Please contact me, Randi Beers for more license details and documentation.
Spawn Codes:
The Crafting Bench:
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenAltar/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenAltar.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenAltar" 1 0 0 false
New Creatures:
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/Parasitic_Monster_Pumpkin/BP_JackOLantern.BP_JackOLantern'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/TheWitchesHut/WitchHut_withArmor_Character_BP.WitchHut_withArmor_Character_BP'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/HalloweenSkeleton_Fists_Character_BP.HalloweenSkeleton_Fists_Character_BP'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/HalloweenSkeleton_WithSpear_BP.HalloweenSkeleton_WithSpear_BP'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/HalloweenSkeleton_WithBow_BP.HalloweenSkeleton_WithBow_BP'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/HalloweenSkeleton_WithChainsaw_BP.HalloweenSkeleton_WithChainsaw_BP'" 500 0 0
cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/HalloweenSkeleton_WithFireBow_BP.HalloweenSkeleton_WithFireBow_BP'" 500 0 0
Structure Decorations:
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/ButcherKnife/PrimalItemStructure_ButcherKnife.PrimalItemStructure_ButcherKnife" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Candles/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenCandles_RLB.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenCandles_RLB" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/CarvedPumpkins/PrimalItemStructure_Pumpkin_JackOLanterns.PrimalItemStructure_Pumpkin_JackOLanterns" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/EvilBook/PrimalItemStructure_EvilBook.PrimalItemStructure_EvilBook" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Gravestones/PrimalItemStructure_Graves.PrimalItemStructure_Graves" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SkullwithCandle/PrimalItemStructure_SkullwithCandle.PrimalItemStructure_SkullwithCandle" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpiderWebs/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenSpiderwebs_RLB.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenSpiderwebs_RLB" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchBox/PrimalItemStructure_WitchSupplyBox.PrimalItemStructure_WitchSupplyBox" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpookyTrees/PrimalItemStructure_DesertDeadTree.PrimalItemStructure_DesertDeadTree" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpookyTrees/PrimalItemStructure_SpookyBurnedTree.PrimalItemStructure_SpookyBurnedTree" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpookyTrees/PrimalItemStructure_SpookyDeadCypress.PrimalItemStructure_SpookyDeadCypress" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpookyTrees/PrimalItemStructure_SpookyDeadTree.PrimalItemStructure_SpookyDeadTree" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/SpookyTrees/PrimalItemStructure_TwistedTree.PrimalItemStructure_TwistedTree" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/TheWitchesHut/Craftables/PrimalItemStructure_CrystalBall.PrimalItemStructure_CrystalBall" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/TheWitchesHut/Craftables/PrimalItemStructure_WitchTable.PrimalItemStructure_WitchTable" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenArt/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenArt.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenArt" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenWitchBoss/Reward/PrimalItemStructure_TreatPumpkin.PrimalItemStructure_TreatPumpkin" 1 0 0 false
Pumpkin Plant
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/GrowingPumpkins/PrimalItemConsumable_Seed_Pumpkin.PrimalItemConsumable_Seed_Pumpkin" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/GrowingPumpkins/PrimalItemStructure_RandisGrowingPumpkin.PrimalItemStructure_RandisGrowingPumpkin" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/GrowingPumpkins/PrimalItemStructure_RandisGrowingPumpkin_Large.PrimalItemStructure_RandisGrowingPumpkin_Large" 1 0 0 false
Trophys and Earned Engrams
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenPike/PrimalItem_WeaponHalloweenPike.PrimalItem_WeaponHalloweenPike" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Masks/PrimalItemArmor_SamuraiMask.PrimalItemArmor_SamuraiMask" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/PrimalItemStructure_TrophyHalloweenFIRESkull.PrimalItemStructure_TrophyHalloweenFIRESkull" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/PrimalItemStructure_TrophyHalloweenSkull.PrimalItemStructure_TrophyHalloweenSkull" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenWitchBoss/PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaGamma.PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaGamma" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenWitchBoss/PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaBeta.PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaBeta" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HalloweenWitchBoss/PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaAlpha.PrimalItemStructure_Flag_MorganaAlpha" 1 0 0 false
Crafatable Special
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HeadSkins/PrimalItemSkin_SkullBandWitchHat.PrimalItemSkin_SkullBandWitchHat" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/PumpkinAmmo/PrimalItem_WeaponPumpkinGrenade.PrimalItem_WeaponPumpkinGrenade" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/RatFogMaker/PrimalItemStructure_RatFogMaker.PrimalItemStructure_RatFogMaker" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchCauldron/PrimalItemStructure_WitchCauldron.PrimalItemStructure_WitchCauldron" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/PumpkinCannon/PrimalItemStructure_PumpkinCannonC.PrimalItemStructure_PumpkinCannonC" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/PumpkinCannon/PrimalItemAmmo_CannonBall_Pumpkin.PrimalItemAmmo_CannonBall_Pumpkin" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchCauldron/Recipes/PrimalItemConsumable_Kibble_Base_Halloween.PrimalItemConsumable_Kibble_Base_Halloween" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchCauldron/Recipes/PrimalItemConsumable_CandyCorn.PrimalItemConsumable_CandyCorn" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchCauldron/Recipes/PrimalItemConsumable_PumpkinPie.PrimalItemConsumable_PumpkinPie" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/WitchCauldron/Recipes/PrimalItemConsumable_FireResistancePotion.PrimalItemConsumable_FireResistancePotion" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/TheWitchesHut/SpecialRecipes/PrimalItemConsumable_Summoning_Elixir.PrimalItemConsumable_Summoning_Elixir" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/RandisHalloweenSkeleton/PrimalItemResource_HalloweenSkeletonBones.PrimalItemResource_HalloweenSkeletonBones" 300 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Parasitic_Monster_Pumpkin/PrimalItemConsumable_PumpkinWedge.PrimalItemConsumable_PumpkinWedge" 1 0 0 false
Haunted House Skins
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedHouse/FloorsandCeilings/PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedFloorsandCeilings.PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedFloorsandCeilings" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedHouse/GatesandFences/PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedGatesandFences.PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedGatesandFences" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedHouse/RailsandStairs/PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedRailsandStairs.PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedRailsandStairs" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedHouse/RoofandRamps/PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedRoofandRamp.PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedRoofandRamp" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedHouse/Walls/PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedWalls.PrimalItemStructureSkin_HauntedWalls" 1 0 0 false
Haunted House Furniture
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedLibrary.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedLibrary" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedRockingChair/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_RockingChair.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_RockingChair" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_MetalDisplayTable.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_MetalDisplayTable" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_Nightstand.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_Nightstand" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_OldBed.PrimalItemStructure_OldBed" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_OldSofa.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_OldSofa" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Candles/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenCandleStick_RLB.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenCandleStick_RLB" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/Candles/PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenTallCandleStand_RLB.PrimalItemStructure_HalloweenTallCandleStand_RLB" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedWardrobe.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedWardrobe" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_Dresser.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_Dresser" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_OldKitchenChair.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_OldKitchenChair" 1 0 0 false
cheat giveitem "/RandisHalloweenMod/HauntedFurniture/PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedKitchenTable.PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_HauntedKitchenTable" 1 0 0 false