This is the player skin mod for the maps Svartalfheim and Fjordur but can be used on any map. You do NOT have to install this mod on any server, this is a custom cosmetic mod and is client sided.
Mod ID: 1138176
The Most Important Infos:
- Dwarven Armor Set
- Viking Armor Set
- Multiple Weapon and Shield Skins
- Daeodon, Thylacoleo & Mammoth Saddle Skins
- All Skinpieces except weapons are fully dyeable
Known Bugs:
- Female Chestarmor parts are deformed. I could not figure out yet why this happens. I don't expect a fix for that soon, sorry! I hope you still enjoy my mod
Special Thanks:
- Marnii for testing, helping and giving feedback
- 3DCreep for creating assets
- The Mammoth and Thylacoleo Armor are made by Snevs
- The Viking Armor skins are made by MRRadioactiv