MSVV Halloween has a bunch of Halloween props for you to place around your base!
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Beware the zombie grave.
The Haunted Witches Hut and much more!
Complete item list:
Witches Hut - Placeable Witches Hut. There is a special surprise in the back, are you brave enough? Requires 5 - death essence.
MSVV Halloween Broomstick Pteronanodon skin. Place the skin before riding & change the Thruster type with the radial wheel for your desired effect.
Potion Making Machine - Craft the MSVV Halloween Potions here.
Potion list
Petrify - Throwable/Grenade- Turn your enemies to stone with this potion. They will not be able to move for a shot period of time, they also will take no damage. So plan accordingly.
Posion - Throwable/Grenade- Throw this bottle toward your enemies and watch as they are overcome with the poison within! This poison is fast acting. Symptoms include: slowed movement, loss of heath, and oozing puss from every pore.
Black Magic - consumable - Returns all stats to max, while also preventing stamina, oxygen, food, and water drain, and reduces all incoming damage by 50% for a short time.
Spirit Bottle - Placeable - Triggered by enemy overlap, releases angry spirits FX the deal damage and fear effect to targets. When triggered, this bottle will pop open and release the angry spirits. These spirits will target any enemy in range, and deal damage and fear them at the same time. requires a death essence.
Pinguicula Plant Dome "Carnivourus Plant".
Zombie Hand Grave - Has Toxic Sludge Buff that stuns enemies on or off tames and Dino's, requires a death essence
Scarecrow: Scares away Dinos
Pulpit: This is your smithy where you start crafting your items.
Alchemy Bench: This replaces the Chem Bench in game.
Mortar & Pestle Table: Instead of a small mortar & Pestle that you have to place on a table, here you get a fully decorated one.
Lab Generator: This generator has tek ability to power all your needs.
Lab specimen Tank - This is your Water Tank
Water Valve Instake - Replaces the water intake pipe.
Lab Fabricator - This replaces the fabricator.
Cauldron - This replaces your industrial Cooker.
Oven - This replaces the industrial Forge with the ability to turn Organic Polymer into Polymer.
Nightshade Cabinate - Storage
Candle Cabinet - Storage
Mandrake Cabinet - Storage
Spell Table - Placeable
Coffin Preserver - Acts as a preserving bin.
Jack O' Lantern Coffin - Placeable
Pumpkin Harvest Coffin - Placeable
Voodoo Doll Coffin - Placeable
Voodoo Doll Grave - Placeable
Cross Grave - Placeable
Jack O' Lantern - Placeable
Voodoo Doll Bucket - Placeable
Pumpkin Pale - placeable
Pumpkin Harvest Stack Crate - Placeable
Jack O' Lanter stack - Placeable
Jack O' Lantern Patch - Placeable
Pumpkin Patch - Placeable
Voodoo Doll Crate - Placeable
Large Voodoo Doll - Placeable
Voodoo Doll Bench - Placeable
Witches Broomstick Box - Placeable
Witches Broom Stick bench - Placeable
Bone Pile - Placeable
Cobweb Wall Shelf - Placeable
Wizard Crystal Ball - Placeable
Witches Cabin Prefab - Structure Prefab
Witches Cabin Door - Door for Witches Cabin