
Improved Egg Incubator (CrossPlay)

Adds the Incubator to the game with many customizable options such as faster incubation speed, eggs stats filtering, automatic temperature controls and more.


    This mod was originally created using the incubator from genesis part 2 which is currently not released for ASA. because of this please keep in mind that some things may break over time that is not in my full control to fix until genesis is released.

Current Features

  • Automatic temperature controls.
  • Babies will by default have increased health regeneration based on mature speed settings.
  • Can incubate and hatch eggs.
  • Can destroy eggs based on gender or mutated stats.
  • Can properly display mutations when viewing eggs.
  • Can configure and boost gestation speed for nearby female creatures.
  • Can configure and boost the bonus egg hatch speed.
  • Can snap to another Incubator
  • Can pick up nearby dropped fertilized eggs with an adjustable range.
  • Has a destroy all eggs option.
  • Has gestation monitoring that allows you to see the stats and progress of babies.
  • Can auto hatch/store babies inside free cryopods (1 time use).
  • Can hatch embryo eggs (must own bobs tall tales).

Config Options












Config Instructions

BonusHatchRates will allow giga or quetzal eggs to incubate faster, this does not affect any other egg groups.

BonusGestation when this is set to true it will scan for nearby female dino's that use gestation breeding and speed up the timer for giving birth to babies.

BonusHatchSpeed affects the temperature bonus incubation speed and can be changed to any number (default 1.2) please note this will multiply based on your game/server egg hatch speed settings, for example if your server has an egg hatch speed setting of 10 and you set this number to 4.0 in the config then the temperature bonus will change your egg hatch speed value to 40 so it is highly recommended that you use decimal numbers for the multiplier.

GestationSpeed this is used with the above "BonusGestation" config that affects how fast females will give birth to babies.

ExpFromEggs is enabled by default which grants the player experience points when they crack or destroy eggs. this does not work with eggs that are automatically destroyed.

PreventEggFilteringOnPickup is enabled by default that will prevent eggs from being destroyed on pick up with the new egg collecting feature if any filtering options are enabled.

PreventBabyHealing will prevent babies from healing faster which is enabled by default.

BonusHatchAdditionalEggs is the class names for each additional egg that you want to increase the egg hatching speed for. (separated by a comma)

AllowStatFiltering allows eggs to be filtered when placed, disabling this will disable the feature and remove the options.

PreventAutoCryo will disable the ability for the incubator to auto hatch and store babies inside cryopods when a cryo storage is placed nearby.

PreventAutoPickup will disable the ability to automatically pickup eggs.

example: BonusHatchAdditionalEggs=PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_Rex_Fertilized_C,PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_Quetz_Fertilized_C,PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_Therizino_Fertilized_C

Destroy Eggs List

This feature allows the incubator to automatically destroy eggs of undesirable gender or stats when placed inside, in order to use this feature simply click on the "Destroy Eggs List" option from the radial wheel and select a gender or stat that you want to be filtered and automatically destroyed. For stats this will destroy eggs if the mutated stat points are less than what the filtered stat is set to on the incubator, to set this value open the radial wheel and click on "Extra Options" then select "Adjust Egg Values" this will let you change the value for each filtered stat.

Bug Reports or Suggestions

For any bug reports or suggestions the best way to contact me is via discord: https://discord.gg/dYvfuUW585