Farm copper, silver and gold dust and smelt them into coins and use them to buy dinosaurs! Updates come with every new map.
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Dino Shop Smithy:
It is unlocked as an engram from level 20 onwards. In it you can build the Dino Shop Pick, Dino Shop Gold Pick, Dino Shop Gold Hatchet Dino Shop Store, Dino Shop Forge, Dino Shop Copper, Silver and Gold Collector!
Dinosaur Shop Store: Here you can buy the dinosaurs in exchange for coins!
Dino Shop Forge: Here the copper, silver and gold dust is melted and then processed into coins! The Sino Shop Forge can also be used as a normal melt and is twice as fast as the normal forge!
Dino Shop Collectors: The Dino Shop Copper, Silver and Gold Dust Collectors generate 1x dust every 30 seconds!
Harvesting tools:
Dino Shop Pick: Here you can mine copper from crystals, copper and silver from metal, and gold from obsidian!
Dino Shop Pick Gold: Here you can mine copper from crystals, copper and silver from metal, and gold from obsidian! Harvest everything 3x as much!
Dino Shop Gold Hatchet: Harvest everything 3x as much!
The saddles can now be built in the Dino Shop Smithy!