Roman Empire Wardrobe with over 20+ different attachable cosmetics.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Because of the amount of items/variations, this is still a beta version.
Please help us improve this mod by sending your bugs (characters with glitches including screens)
Check the explorer note screenshot what's available.
- 7 Different armor/chest pieces, including capes
- 2 Skirts (pants)
- 4 Helmets
- 2 Different footwear/sandals
- 3 Different glove styles
- 4 Different shields
- 1 Roman flag
Keep in mind that it's almost impossible to suit/fit every form of human created in Ark. Malformed created humans will of course create issues. There is also limited belly support for now.
- Flag is not showing up in the cosmetics
Upcoming features/updates
- Items will be colorable
- 3 New weapons
- More items
- Lot of body glitches fixes
Feedback or ideas? We want to hear from you… !
Have questions, feedback, bug reports etc? (Want to see future projects and screenshots?) Please use our discord https://discord.gg/uMTuz3GEcs
3D Model by Roger Kint
Special thx to Der Berserker/ Steffen von |-=W=-| Wolfsrudel which came up with the idea and kept me motivated every day.