Adds 2 items:
Healing Meat: Costs 10 Raw Meat to craft, when consumed by a meat eater (Carnivore, carrion eater, omnivore) will heal it. Engram can be learned at lvl 1 for 0 engram points.
Healing Veggie Mix: Costs 1 of each Veggie to craft, when consumed by a plant eater (herbivore, omnivore) will heal it. Engram can be learned at lvl 1 for 0 engram points.
INI Options:
(For Copying):
MissingHealAmount=0.01 (1%, default value) --- Range: (0.00 - 1.0). Controls the % of missing HP to heal the dino by when consuming the item.
MaxHealAmount=0.01 (1%, default value) --- Range: (0.00 - 1.0). Controls the % of max HP to heal the dino by when consuming the item.
HealMaxHP=true (Yes, default value) --- Range (true - false). If true, the dino will heal MaxHealAmount * 100% of their Max HP when consuming the item.
HealMissingHP=true (Yes, default value) --- Range (true - false). If true, the dino will heal MissingHealAmount * 100% of their Missing HP when consuming the item.
AutoHealThreshold=0.5 (50%, default value) --- Range: (0.00 - 1.0). If AllowAutoHeal=true, the dino will consume the item when health is below the threshold.
AllowAutoHeal=true (Yes, default value) --- Range: (true - false). If true, will allow the dino to automatically consume the item and heal when their HP drops below the threshold.
HealStationEnabled=true (Yes, default value) --- Disables the Heal Station Structure healing completely if false
AllowHealStationPlatformPlacement=true (Yes, default value) --- Disables placement of Heal Stations on platform saddles if false
HealStationPercentPerSecond=1.0 (1%, default value) --- Changes the % of max HP dinos and players heal by while inside the heal zone
HealStationHealPlayers=true (Yes, default value) --- Disables healing of players from the heal zone if false
HealStationRadiusInFoundations=30 (30 foundations default value) --- Changes the radius in foundations for the heal zone
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