

The original ARK: SE Appetizer mod now on ASA Crossplay

Mod ID: 928539 (add -mods=928539 to your dedicated server launch options)

This mod adds 3 new items ( 2 consumables and 1 Tranq Dart).
You can customize everything using INI, see Wiki

Appetizer (Blue): Food drains 5 times faster

Appetizer X (Red): Removes 100 food

Appetizer Tranq Dart (Works underwater):
Passive tamable dinos:

  • Does not damage or scare/aggro, allows you to feed dino every 5 seconds for 1 minute
    Knockout tamable dinos:
  • Adds torpor same as a shocking tranq, removes 100 foor per shot and does not lower effectiveness if dino is sleeping

Check Wiki Page for INI settings, spawn commands and crafting overrides.

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